Lightning strikes were just as important as meteorites in creating the perfect conditions for life to emerge on Earth, according to new research. This shows that life could develop on Earth-like planets through the same mechanism.
Perseverance, the largest, most advanced rover NASA has sent to another world, touched down on Mars yesterday. The $2.4 billion rover arrived at Jezero Crater, a basin that scientists say was once flooded with liquid water.
Australian astronomers surveyed a patch of sky around the constellation Vela known to include at least 10 million stars. They found no technosignatures – no sign of intelligent life.
It looks as though Breakthrough Listen’s ( a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing space exploration ) search efforts could be expanded by a factor of more than 200.
A recent UK study shows that there could be about 36 active communicating intelligent civilizations in our home Galaxy. This is an enormous advance over previous estimates which spanned from zero to billions.
According to a recent study, if planets with similar conditions and evolutionary time lines to Earth are common, then life should have little problem spontaneously emerging on other planets and the odds are 3:2
A new study argues that our best chances of using atmospheres to find evidence of life is to broaden our search from focusing on planets like our own to include those with a hydrogen atmosphere.
Giant elliptical galaxies are not as likely as disk-shaped galaxies, such as our own Milky Way, to be cradles of technological civilizations, according to a recent U.S. paper.
It's calculated that, thanks to rapid inflation, the universe may contain more than 1 googol (10^100) stars, and if this is the case then more complex, life-sustaining RNA structures are more than just probable, they're practically inevitable.
NASA's Curiosity rover discovered "startlingly high amounts of methane in the Martian air" on Wednesday in what could potentially be a sign of life on the Red Planet, the New York Times reported on Saturday.
Breakthrough Listen is an astronomical program which surveys the universe in an attempt to track down alien life. Its data were recently offered to prestigious astrophysics journals, and the amount of information is quite impressive.
Trillion Planet Survey is an ambitious experiment, run almost entirely by US students. It uses a suite of telescopes aimed at Andromeda and other galaxies including our own in search for extraterrestrial life.
Technosignatures are signs or signals, which if observed, would allow us to infer the existence of technological life elsewhere in the universe.
Nexus for Exoplanet Systems Science, or NExSS project's mission is to be able detect extraterrestrial “biosignatures” using current and future technologies.
Super salty water beneath ice could serve as a terrestrial analogue for a habitat for life on other planets.