Antarctic Ice Core Unlocks 1.2 Million Years of Unbroken Climate History

An international team of scientists has extracted a 2.8 kilometers long ice core in Antarctica, hitting the frozen continent’s bedrock. The core represents a chronological register of Earth’s climate and atmosphere

LA Fires a Catastrophic Example of Study's 'Hydroclimate Whiplash' Warnings

A new review of over 200 papers finds 'hydroclimate whiplash' has increased considerably, most likely due to the atmosphere's rising capacity for absorbing and retaining moisture.

As Los Angeles combusts, 2024 is declared Earth's hottest on record

The year 2024 was the world’s warmest on record globally, and the first calendar year in which global temperatures exceeded 1.5°C above its pre-industrial levels.

Extinction threatens nearly a quarter of all freshwater species

A landmark assessment of the health of nearly 24,000 freshwater species found that just under a quarter are at risk of extinction. 

New class of particles could take quantum mechanics one step further

In a new study, physicists at Brown University have now observed a novel class of quantum particles called fractional excitons

Top three images from BepiColombo's sixth Mercury flyby

On 8 January 2025, the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission flew past Mercury for the sixth time, successfully completing the final "gravity assist manoeuvre" needed to steer it into orbit around the planet in late 2026.

Cephalopods Pass Cognitive Test Designed For Human Children

Back in 2021, a test of cephalopod smarts reinforced how important it is for us humans to not underestimate animal intelligence.

Brightest Space Explosion Ever May Hide an Elusive Dark Matter Particle

In October 2022, scientists detected the explosive death of a star 2.4 billion light-years away that was brighter than any ever recorded.

What Is an AI Agent? A Computer Scientist Explains the Next Wave of AI Tools

Interacting with AI chatbots like ChatGPT can be fun and sometimes useful, but the next level of everyday AI goes beyond answering questions: AI agents carry out tasks for you.

The carbon in our bodies probably left the galaxy and came back on cosmic 'conveyer belt'

Scientists recently discovered that the giant 'conveyer belt' currents that push star-forged material out of our galaxy and pull it back in can also transport carbon atoms.

Citizen science reveals that Jupiter's colorful clouds are not made of ammonia ice

Collaborative work by amateur and professional astronomers has helped to resolve a long-standing misunderstanding about the composition of Jupiter's clouds.

Beyond the 'Dragon Arc,' a treasure trove of unseen stars

Taking advantage of a cosmic "double lens," astronomers resolved more than 40 individual stars in a galaxy so far away its light dates back to when the universe was only half its present age.

Scientists Discover Mystery Volcano That Cooled The Globe in 1831

In 1831, somewhere on Earth's surface a massive volcano opened wide its jaws and belched forth so much ash and smoke that the skies dimmed, cooling the Northern Hemisphere.

Planet's Odd Atmosphere Doesn't Match The Disc It Was Born in

When examining a still-developing exoplanet in a distant star system, a team of astronomers uncovered a mismatch between the gases in the planet's atmosphere and those within the disk.

Scientists Examine Unique Asteroid-Comet Hybrid

A resent study used James Webb Space Telescope to reveal one-of-a-kind attributes of (2060) Chiron, a distant “centaur” in space sharing properties of both a comet and an asteroid, giving clues to our Solar System’s origins.