Mediterranean diet prevents a leading cause of blindness

A large collaboration of researchers from the EU has found that people who adhered to a Mediterranean diet cut their risk of late-stage age-related macular degeneration ( a leading cause of blindness ) by 41 percent.

Students search Andromeda for signs of alien life

Trillion Planet Survey is an ambitious experiment, run almost entirely by US students. It uses a suite of telescopes aimed at Andromeda and other galaxies including our own in search for extraterrestrial life.

Los Angeles, US, moves to ban fur products

The city of Los Angeles, a leading center of the world’s fashion industry, moved on Tuesday toward becoming the largest U.S. metropolis to outlaw the sale and manufacture of most fur products within its limits.

California, US bans animal testing in cosmetics

37 other countries have banned animal testing already, including India, Brazil, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel, and the European Union and now the United States will join them.

India Passes Historic Ruling That Decriminalizes Homosexuality

The Indian court repealed a 150-year-old law that was instated during British colonial rule which made consensual sexual activity that went “against the law of nature” punishable by up to a lifetime in prison.

A video game sparks climate action in players worldwide

The analysis concluded that game participants exhibited both a greater sense of urgency as well as hope in combating climate change, alongside a desire to understand more about climate science.

Finally, parents are putting the fun back into playgrounds

From India to Taiwan to Canada to the UK, groups of parents are fighting back against their municipalities' obsession with 'safety at all costs' and insisting that kids have the right to interesting play spaces.

Moderate carbohydrate intake may be best for health

The study of 15,400 people in the USA found that diets both low and high in carbohydrates were linked with an increase in mortality, while moderate consumers of carbohydrates had the lowest risk of mortality.

Internet of Things technology can boost classroom learning

The use of Internet of Things devices in the classroom can have major educational benefits and appeal to both genders if designed and used in the right way, according to new UK research.

School-in-a-Box brings the gift of learning to Papua New Guinea

Architects worked with the non-profit SEAM to create School-in-a-Box, a portable school that helps bring accessible education to remote areas.

Why we should adopt the New Nordic eating guidelines

The World Health Organization’s review of the New Nordic Diet shows unique evidence of its positive effectiveness on the outcomes of noncommunicable diseases.

Living Near Greenery Keeps Elderly People's Minds Young

A study tracked 10,000 British civil servants' health over many years. Using a sample of 6,506 aged between 45 and 68, scientists compared how reasoning, memory, and eloquence changed over a period of 10 years.

23-Year-old Invents Method to Break Down Unrecyclable Plastic

Miranda Wang has found a simple way to break down polyethylene and turn it into an essential ingredient for nylon, which otherwise uses petroleum.

Vast new study confirms significant health benefits of nature

Exposure to "greenspace" reduces the risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, preterm birth, stress, and high blood pressure, among other benefits.

German 12-Year-old Boy Plants 1Million Trees

Felix Finkbeiner is on a mission to get children around the world to plant a million trees in every single country for his booming Trillion Tree Program.