Instead of dumping over 43 gallons of milk every year, Pennsylvania farmers in USA are teaming up with food banks to feed the hungry and turn a profit.
David Nabarro and Lawrence Haddad, who were awarded this year's World Food Prize, are credited with cutting the number of stunted children in the world by 10 million by lobbying governments to improve nutrition.
Some 50 years since the 'marshmallow test' in which most kids gobbled up one treat immediately rather than wait several minutes to get two, today's youngsters may be able to delay gratification significantly longer.
A creation is an underwater device that uses light to detect harmful pollution in the ocean and it does so without harming living organisms.
In a historic decision, the World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to no longer classify transgender people as mentally ill. The declassification should lead to less stigma.
“Flexitarianism” was coined by Millennials, it encourages people to make an effort three or four days a week to consciously choose not to eat meat.
The relaxation response and mindfulness meditation are working through different neural mechanisms.
The Anthropocene appears to be an epoch of destruction and extinction. But two simple ideas - the Universal Basic Income and Half Planet - could finally transform human society into a sustainable and pleasant place.
Artificial intelligence has the potential to radically reinvent the global food production system, with far reaching consequences on health, nutrition and environmental impact.
Vegan Challenge invites residents and businesses to eat plant-based foods between June 4 and 10 to promote good health, animal justice, social justice, environmental justice, and climate justice.
In early June, Ben Lecomte will enter the waters to begin a 10,000-km swim across the Pacific Ocean that seeks to shine a light on ocean pollution and plastic contamination.
Scientists fed fruit flies with a combination of probiotics and an herbal supplement called Triphala that was able to prolong the flies' longevity by 60 % and protect them against chronic diseases associated with aging.
United Kingdom Secretary of the Environment Michael Gove has introduced a bill to Parliament that would ban the purchase, sale, possession for sale and international trade of ivory.
A new discovery about the effects of aging in our cells could allow doctors to cure or prevent diabetes, fatty liver disease and other metabolic diseases—and possibly even turn back the clock on aging itself.
Findings show that musicians and bilinguals require less effort to perform the same task, which could also protect them against cognitive decline and delay the onset of dementia.