Star pairs are typically very similar, but in HD 148937, one star appears younger and is magnetic. New data from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) suggest there were originally three stars in the system, until two of them clashed and merged.
Researchers using CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope, have detected unusual radio pulses from a previously dormant star with a powerful magnetic field.
Computer simulations are giving us new insight into the riotous behavior of cannibal neutron stars.
A search for the first stars that winked into existence at the dawn of the Universe has yielded one of the oldest stars we've found yet, right next door to our own galaxy.
Towards the center of the galaxy, two streams of stars nearly as old as the Universe have been discovered circling the heart of the Milky Way. These two streams have been named Shiva and Shakti.
How stable are planetary systems? Will Earth and its seven siblings always continue in their steady celestial paths, or might we one day be randomly ejected from our cosmic home?
A star system, located 3,000 light-years away from Earth, is predicted to become visible to the unaided eye soon. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime viewing opportunity as the nova ouburst only occurs about every 80 years.
Betelgeuse's boiling surface could be so riotous that it generates an illusion of fast rotation.
A white dwarf star that devoured at least a chunk of one of its planets has been betrayed by a scar of vaporized metal marring it surface – the tell-tale remnants of the planet that once orbited the star before spiraling into its doom.
To this point, J0613+52 is unlike any other galaxy discovered in the universe. What we do know is that it’s an incredibly gas rich galaxy and its not demonstrating any star formation.
In a magnificent first, we finally have direct observational evidence of the stellar process that produces neutron stars and black holes.
A strange star in the Milky Way bares the signature of a unique explosion of a giant star that once existed billions of years ago in the era of the cosmic dawn.
A large number of supernovas are mysteriously devoid of hydrogen – suggesting that there must also be a significant population of hydrogen-poor stars from whence such supernovas come.
On the 14th of December our star unleashed an X-class solar flare. Solar physicists classify strong flares into three categories, with C being the weakest, M the middling group and X the most potent.
A team using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has identified the new record-holder: a tiny, free-floating brown dwarf with only three to four times the mass of Jupiter.