Connection of children to nature brings less behavioural problems

Children in a closer connection with nature have less distress, less hyperactivity, fewer behavioural and emotional difficulties, and improved pro-social behaviour, a new study found.

Nature can teach your kid resilience

Spending time outside teaches kids to cope with challenging situations, both emotional and physical. It allows for scenarios in which a certain degree of character-building hardship is experienced without being cruel or unfair to the child.

Swiss entrepreneur donates a billion dollars to environmental protection

The Swiss businessman and philanthropist Hansjörg Wyss plans to give the huge donation to help better protect wildlife areas. The 83-year-old said the money would be released over the next ten years.

World's wilderness is nearly gone

The first comprehensive fine-scale map of the world's remaining marine and terrestrial wild places shows that just 23 percent of the world's landmass can now be considered wilderness, with the rest lost.

Vast new study confirms significant health benefits of nature

Exposure to "greenspace" reduces the risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, preterm birth, stress, and high blood pressure, among other benefits.

In World First, Norway Will Only Be Allowing Electric Ships to Enter The Fjords

The nation’s parliament recently adopted new legislation that will require all vessels, ships, and liners entering their iconic fjords to produce zero carbon emissions.

Dubble bubble dome will be world's largest tropical greenhouse

Solar powered dome in France will cover 20,000 square meters featuring a tropical forest, turtle beach, a pool for Amazonian fish, and a one-kilometer-long walking trail.

The Seychelles creates debt-for-conservation deal

The Seychelles announced two new Marine Protected Areas in a debt-for-nature swap designed by The Nature Conservancy and backed by Leonardo DiCaprio.

Peru protects one of world's last great untouched forests

In collaboration with local and international conservation groups, the Peruvian government has established Yaguas National Park to permanently protect millions of acres of pristine rainforest.

Chile just created 10 million acres of new national parks

The two new parks — Pumalín National Park and Patagonia National Park Chile — are already open to the public and are now permanently protected for visitors and the wildlife that live there.

World's longest suspension bridge opens in Switzerland

A 494-meter-long, 85-meter-high pedestrian bridge was inaugurated on Saturday in southern Switzerland.

Spiraling treetop walkway gives visitors a bird’s eye view of a Danish forest

An architecture studio designed the Camp Adventure Treetop Experience in Denmark, - a unique destination that aims to reconnect people to nature by elevating them high above the treetop canopy.

Architects create world's first migratory 'bird airport' in China

Australian Architectural firm McGregor Coxall has won a competition to design a wetland bird sanctuary in Tianjin, China. The winning entry will be the world's first migratory "bird airport."

Bangladesh is building a dirty and expensive coal plant next to the world's largest mangrove forest

A controversial new coal power plant being built in Bangladesh is already running out of friends. Environmentalists worry it will spell disaster for the world’s largest mangrove forest.