The genes in question are related to interferons, the body's frontline virus fighters. Knowing which genes help control viral infection can greatly assist researchers' understanding of factors that affect disease severity.
The life-changing surgery took place in January as was a success. The surgery took about 18 hours and about 50 specialists, including surgeons, nurses anesthesiologists, airway specialists and residents.
Another baby step toward melding mind and machine - a team of researchers has helped people with paralysis to send full-spectrum brain signals to computers wirelessly for the first time ever.
An eight-week programme of mindfulness meditation improves quality of life and reduces fear of activity in heart attack patients, according to a recent research.
A person's mind, heart and body are all interconnected and interdependent in what can be termed 'the mind-heart-body-connection. Positive psychological attributes lead to lower risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.
A team of Israel researchers revealed the 3D printed heart that completely matches the immunological, cellular, biochemical and anatomical properties of a human patient.
A team of scientists in Korea and the United States have invented a device that can control neural circuits using a tiny brain implant controlled by a smartphone.
Eight infants with the life-threatening inherited disorder received experimental gene therapy. They experienced substantial improvements in immune system function and normal growth up to two years after treatment.
Researchers have created a quantum circuit that enables them to listen to the weakest radio signal allowed by quantum mechanics. This opens the door to possible future applications in areas such as radio astronomy and medicine.
U.S. Scientists have created a mobile skin 3D bioprinting system that allows bi-layered skin to be printed directly into a wound. This treatment could help in the healing of large wounds or burns.
Scientists think they have achieved the first gene editing inside the body, altering DNA in adults to try to treat a disease.
An international team of scientists claim to have pulled off a first: Three-dimensional replicas of human blood vessels that are grown in a petri dish.
In November a first for Bulgaria (and the world), experts at Tokuda Hospital removed the tumorous bone and replaced it with a 3D-printed rib from local manufacturers 3DGence and 3dBGprint.
In the perhaps not so distant future, surgeons could perform a range of medical procedures all without touching the patient, thanks to advancements in 'acoustic tweezers'.
We know a placenta is essential for a successful pregnancy, but we don’t really know exactly how it works because we’ve had no experimental models we can use to study it. Until now.