Scientists develop artificial kidney that may end dialysis

Scientists at the University of California San Francisco have developed a bioreactor device that uses human kidney cells cultured in the laboratory and mimics some of the key functions of a kidney.

Brain Implant Gives a Voice to People Who Couldn't Speak

In two separate cases, scientists have successfully used brain implants and machine learning to give patients back their voice after theirs was taken.

CRISPR Protects Bacteria From Invading Viruses in an Unexpected Way

Recent studies show that the famous gene-editing tool does more in bacteria than just spot DNA for chopping up; it coordinates with other proteins to bulk up defenses against invading viruses as well.

Scientists Use Electricity to Make Wounds Heal 3x Faster

Scientists have developed a specially engineered biochip that uses electricity to heal wounds up to three times faster than normal.

Mindfulness Can Rival Antidepressants For Anxiety

208 patients completed the course of treatment prescribed by the researchers. The mindfulness program involved 2,5 hour classes once a week. The results show that mindfulness exercises can be as effective as antidepressant drugs.

New CRISPR cancer treatment tested in humans for first time

Now scientists have used CRISPR to remove and add genes to these cells to help them recognize a patient’s specific tumor cells. 

Transfusions of Lab-Grown Blood Cells

UK scientists have begun the first clinical trial of lab-grown red blood cells, with the hope that they survive longer in volunteers than donated blood cells.

Scientists create the world's first 'synthetic' embryos

A team of stem cell researchers in Israel was able to create the world’s first synthetic embryos from mice stem cells, a scientific feat that could hold the key to ending animal testing in medical research and offer new solutions to healing people.

First Patient Injected With Experimental Cancer-Killing Virus

An experimental cancer-killing virus has been administered to a human patient for the first time, with hopes the testing will ultimately reveal evidence of a new means of successfully fighting cancer tumors in people.

Rapid DNA Sequencing Tech Breaks the Speed Record

In just 7 hours, 18 minutes, US researchers went from collecting a blood sample to offering a disease diagnosis. This is the result of ultra-rapid DNA sequencing technology paired with massive cloud storage and computing.

World-First Novel Drug Delivery System Developed

Australian researchers developed: the world’s first metal-organic framework (MOF) antibody-drug delivery system that has the potential to fast-track potent new therapies for cancer, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases.

New Synthetic Tooth Enamel Is Harder and Stronger Than Real

The artificial tooth enamel (ATE) was produced using AIP-coated hydroxyapatite nanowires. This allowed the engineered structures to have an atomic, nanoscale, and microscale organization like natural enamel.

Breakthrough To Enable People With Paralysis To Walk Again

For the first time in the world, Israeli researchers have engineered 3D human spinal cord tissues and implanted them in lab model with long-term chronic paralysis.  

Singapore researchers develop world's first smart bandage

The scientists, in collaboration with Singapore General Hospital, created VeCare, a bandage with a wearable sensor that can conduct real-time, point-of-care assessment of chronic wounds via an app.

Second HIV Patient Naturally Achieved "Sterilizing Cure of Infection"

A 30-year-old woman from the city of Esperanza, Argentina - the so-called Esperanza Patient - appears to be the second person whose immune system cleared the HIV-1 virus without antiretroviral therapy.