In a remarkable medical breakthrough, doctors have successfully used stem cells to treat a debilitating eye condition that can lead to vision loss.
For the first time, surgeons have successfully repaired a major malformation in the brain of a fetus.
For the first time in the world, Israeli researchers have engineered 3D human spinal cord tissues and implanted them in lab model with long-term chronic paralysis.
The life-changing surgery took place in January as was a success. The surgery took about 18 hours and about 50 specialists, including surgeons, nurses anesthesiologists, airway specialists and residents.
US scientists have developed a technique to directly convert the cells in an open wound into new skin cells. The approach relies on reprogramming the cells to a stem-cell-like state and could be useful for healing wounds.
Plastic surgeons have used a robotic device to surgically treat lymphedema in a patient. This is the world's first super-microsurgical intervention with '"robot hands."
Robots and artificial intelligence are greatly advancing modern medicine. AI will help improve robot-assisted surgery, medical imaging, and drug discovery.
Machines that are capable of making precise operations inside the human eye will make it possible to perform entirely new procedures.