This Rocky Exoplanet Is the Most Likely to Support Life

Of the thousands of known exoplanets, Kepler-452b has the most ideal combination of UV light exposure and conditions for liquid water.

Exoplanets may contain vast amounts of water

Scientists have shown that water is likely to be a major component of those exoplanets which are between two to four times the size of Earth. It will have implications for the search of life in our Galaxy.

Astronomers Detect Iron and Titanium on an Exoplanet for the First Time

Scientists directly observed the signal of iron and titanium atoms in the atmosphere of an exoplanet 600 light-years from Earth, a new paper reports.

Ultrahot planets have starlike atmospheres

Recent observations by NASA's Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes of ultrahot Jupiter-like planets have perplexed theorists. The spectra of these planets have suggested they have improbable compositions.

NASA's TESS Spacecraft Has Begun Its Search for Faraway Planets

NASA’s newest exoplanet-hunting spacecraft has started taking scientific data as of last week, according to a NASA release.

NASA’s Kepler telescope nears end of mission

Nearly a decade after launching NASA’s Kepler telescope has netted 2,650 new confirmed worlds beyond our solar system. It now has paused its observations after on-board sensors detected it is running low on fuel.

First-Ever Picture of a Planet Being Born

For the very first time, astronomers have captured an image of a baby planet as it carves a path through the disc of dust that surrounds its star, an orange dwarf 113.4 parsecs (370 light-years) away from Earth.

Nearly 80 exoplanet candidates identified in a record time

Scientists have analyzed data from K2, the follow-up mission to NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, and have discovered a trove of possible exoplanets amid some 50,000 stars.

Distant moons may harbor life

Researchers have identified 121 giant planets that potentially host moons capable of supporting life.

ALMA discovers trio of infant planets around newborn star

Two independent teams of astronomers have used ALMA to uncover convincing evidence that three young planets are in orbit around the infant star HD 163296.

Researchers discover a system with three Earth-sized planets

The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the University of Oviedo present today the discovery of two new planetary systems, one of them hosting three planets the same size as the Earth.

121 giant planets that may have habitable moons

US Researchers have identified more than 100 giant planets that potentially host moons capable of supporting life. Their work will guide the design of future telescopes that can detect these potential moons.

Stand on the surface of an alien planet with NASA

On NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration website, you can explore an imagined surface of an alien world via 360-degree, interactive visualizations.

UK astronomers find exoplanets with sodium, helium in atmospheres

A team of researchers, using Europe’s Very Large Telescope in Chile, has found an exoplanet, WASP-96b, with a cloud-free atmosphere, allowing them to detect sodium in levels similar to abundances on Earth.

Scientists detected helium in an exoplanet's atmosphere for the first time

WASP-107, the star around which WASP-107b orbits every six days, is so powerful that it is gradually dissolving the exoplanet’s atmosphere. As a result, WASP-107b leaves a comet-like trail of helium in its wake.