In 2012, the estimated amount of food waste in the EU was 88 million tonnes. This equates to 173 kilograms of food waste per person, and it means that we are wasting about 20 percent of the total food produced.
In a groundbreaking agreement between 24 different countries and the European Union, the world’s largest marine reserve will be established in Antarctica’s Ross Sea.
Europe is considering a measure that would require all new and refurbished homes to install an EV charger starting in 2019.
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) guidelines aims to preserve an equal treatment of Internet traffic regardless of its content or source. Open Internet advocates argue the move will help ensure the Internet stays true to its roots as a non-discriminatory.
Wind energy has officially overtaken nuclear power as the most affordable energy option at least in the countries surrounding the North Sea.
The inventor of the World Wide Web has ridden into battle for, what might be, the last chance to preserve an open Internet in Europe.