A great deal of mystery DNA has been found in the human gut.
Researchers have developed much more advanced RNA biocomputers that can handle more computations and complex logic. Ribocomputing is coming of age.
Researchers have developed a device that can switch cell function to rescue failing body functions with a single touch.
A chance discovery has opened up a new method of finding unknown viruses.
Scientists have, for the first time, corrected a disease-causing mutation in early stage human embryos with gene editing.
Scientists from US have for the first time provided an unprecedented view of the 3D structure of human chromatin in the nucleus of living human cells.
A Food and Drug Administration panel has recommended approval of a leukemia treatment that rewires a patient’s immune cells to fight cancer.
Researchers show that the inherited epigenetic instructions contribute in regulating gene expression in the offspring. Another study proves that mother's epigenetic memory is essential for the development and survival of the new generation.
For the first time, a primitive movie has been encoded in, and then played back from, DNA in living cells.
Mind-body interventions (MBIs) such as meditation, yoga and Tai Chi don't simply relax us; they can 'reverse' the molecular reactions in our DNA which cause ill-health and depression, according to a study.
Now, for the first time, Stanford University researchers have used long-read, whole genome sequencing to diagnose a patient.
A new study suggests an intriguing new way of viewing the genome in which nearly every gene impacts every other gene.
For the first time, scientists created a method for effectively mapping that DNA damage at high resolution across the genome.
A new study offers a cautionary tale for using the widely hyped gene-editing tool CRISPR on people.
The balled structure reveals organization, which is critical for gene activity.