World Record For The Most Powerful Stable Magnetic Field

At the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Steady High Magnetic Field Facility, a magnet years in development achieved a steady magnetic field of 45.22 tesla – tens of thousands of times more powerful than an souvenir fridge magnet.

Earth core is lopsided

  • 16 Jun 2021

The enhanced growth on one side of the core suggests that something in Earth’s outer core or mantle under Indonesia is removing heat from the inner core at a faster rate than on the opposite side, under Brazil. 

Image Of A Black Hole With A Magnetic Field

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration, who produced the first ever image of a black hole, has revealed today a new view of the massive object at the centre of the M87 galaxy: how it looks in polarised light.

Strongest magnetic field ever recorded in the Universe

The record-breaking field was discovered at the surface of a neutron star called GRO J1008-57 with a magnetic field strength of approximately 1 BILLION Tesla. For comparison, the Earth’s magnetic field is about 1/20,000 of a Tesla.

The Mysterious Anomaly Is Weakening Earth's Magnetic Field

The South Atlantic Anomaly is a vast expanse of reduced magnetic intensity in Earth's magnetic field, extending all the way from South America to southwest Africa.

A New Kind of Explosion on the Sun

Astronomers spotted a magnetic explosion on the surface of the sun unlike anything they've ever seen before. Although it was initially theorized about 15 years ago, this was their first direct observation of it thanks to NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Planet Mercury Has Solid Inner Core Same Size as Earth's

Mercury is now the second rocky planet—after Earth—for which we have evidence of a solid inner core. It’s not an exact value, but the mere presence of a solid inner core helps to understand how the planet generates its magnetic field.

Evidence for ancient magnetic sense in humans

The human brain can unconsciously respond to changes in Earth's magnetic fields, according to a team of geoscientists and neurobiologists.

Earth's Magnetic North Pole Is Moving Fast

Scientists have found that the magnetic north pole is moving at a speed of about 55 km every year. A hundred years ago, the pole was located near the coast of northern Canada. Now, it is in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.

Earth more solar exposed with rapid magnetic field reversals

The international research team found that magnetic field reversals could happen much more rapidly than the thousands of years previously thought to be needed.

NASA investigates invisible magnetic bubbles in outer solar system

NASA has launched a fleet of missions to study the planets in our solar system -- many of which have sent back crucial information about magnetospheres.

Sun unleashes strongest solar flare in decade

The sun is nearing a low-activity point of its solar cycle, but researchers at NASA are detecting large solar flares leaving the celestial body.

Magnetic Field 5 Billion Light-Years Away Offers Insight Into Our Universe

The most distant galactic magnetic field that has ever been observed provides intriguing clues about the evolution of magnetism in the unfolding universe.

Superconductivity research reveals potential new state of matter

A potential new state of matter is being reported with research showing that among superconducting materials in high magnetic fields, the phenomenon of electronic symmetry breaking is common.

Quantum Mechanics Could Shake Up Our Understanding of Earth’s Magnetic Field

Scientists think that might be the case, and are looking for a source of extra energy that could generate the magnetic field they observe.