Scientists have been hard at work trying to determine the densities of the TRAPPIST-1 planets, and it looks like water is abundant in the TRAPPIST system.
It's Surprisingly Like Earth. Saturn moon's three biggest puddles have a common equipotential surface – a sea level, just like our own oceans.
Researchers have identified eight, massive sheets of ice just below the Martian surface, and they appear to be relatively young deposits.
The results suggest that the outer planets of the system might still harbour substantial amounts of water. This includes the three planets within the habitable zone of the star.
New gravity data from recent Cassini flybys of the giant planet suggest that Dione's crust floats on an ocean 62 miles below the surface, and may harbor microbial life.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took direct ultraviolet images of the icy moon Europa transiting across the disk of Jupiter. Out of ten observations, Hubble saw what may be water vapor plumes on three of the images.
A prior study demonstrated that Pluto's center is sufficiently warm to bolster a fluid water sea, and now we've discovered that it may be immense - no less than 100 km (62 miles) profound.
Earlier in its history, the second planet from the sun may have had a liquid water ocean and temperatures suitable for life, a new study shows.
Researchers list exoplanets with the most potential to have liquid water, or even life. An international team of researchers has pinpointed which of the more than 4,000 exoplanets discovered by NASA
A modeling paper published this week in Geophysical Research Letters offers a simple but fascinating explanation: partial freezing within a subsurface, liquid water ocean.
A small water jet on the icy moon spews its fiercest eruptions when the moon is farthest from the planet, but overall gas output hardly increases.
Is it possible that a life-bearing lake exists on the icy Jupiter moon, Europa. See if it is possible that a life-bearing lake is possible on Europa.