Physicists just smashed a record to achieve quantum entanglement in space

In a new study, scientists have successfully transmitted entangled photons between a satellite and Earth at a distance of over 1,200 km.

Magnetic switch turns strange quantum property on and off

A research team has developed the first switch that turns on and off a quantum behavior called the Berry phase. The discovery may lead to new quantum electronic devices.

Physicists design 2D superconductor materials

Two-dimensional quantum materials with novel electrical and magnetic attributes have been fabricated by physicists.

It's official: time crystals are a new state of matter, and now we can create them

Two separate research teams managed to create what looked an awful lot like time crystals back in January, and now both experiments have successfully passed peer-review for the first time, putting the 'impossible' phenomenon squarely in the realm of reality.

Seeing the quantum future, literally

Scientists have demonstrated the ability to 'see' the future of quantum systems and used that knowledge to preempt their demise, in a major achievement that could help bring the strange and powerful world of quantum technology closer to reality.

Graphene quantum dots hold promise in reducing waste CO2

Graphene quantum dots may offer a simple way to recycle waste carbon dioxide into valuable fuel rather than release it into the atmosphere.

More than 100,000 people challenge Einstein in a unique worldwide quantum physics experiment

More than 100,000 people participated in the BIG Bell Test, a global experiment to test the laws of quantum physics.

Physicists just witnessed quasiparticles forming for the first time ever

For the first time, scientists have observed the formation of quasiparticles - a strange phenomenon observed in certain solids - in real time, something that physicists have been struggling to do for decades.

Scientists stop light in a cloud of atoms

Australian scientists have stopped light in a cloud of very cold atoms, a development that provides a essential building block for quantum computing.

Teleportation of light particles across cities in China and Canada a 'technological breakthrough'

Scientists have shown they can teleport photons across a city, a development that has been hailed as a technological breakthrough.

Light-matter interplay probed: Physicists achieve quantum Hall state with light

Harnessing the shared wave nature of light and matter, researchers have used light to explore some of the most intriguing questions in the quantum mechanics of materials.

Super quantum simulator 'entangles' hundreds of ions

The simulator is designed to model and mimic complex physics phenomena in a way that is impossible with conventional machines, even supercomputers.

New Quantum 'Cat State' Can Be in Two Places at Once

Chances are you're familiar with the Schroedinger's cat paradox, whereby a hypothetical cat inside a box is both dead and alive. Now physicists at Yale University have figured out how to make a quantum cat that both lives and dies in two boxes at once.

Newly discovered form of spiralized light breaks everything quantum physics says about photons

Scientists in Ireland discovered a new form of light that will radically change our understanding of how light functions.

The Universe, where space-time becomes discrete: Relativity and quantum mechanics: A non-local union?

A theoretical study has analyzed a model that saves special relativity and reconciles it with granularity by introducing small-scale deviations from the principle of locality demonstrating that it can be experimentally tested with great precision.