The massive 54,000-square-feet Desert City was designed to be an educational, sustainable, and ecological complex aimed at educating visitors about the vibrant world of the xerophytic plants.
New research suggests that the ability to intuit emotional states from vocalization is hardwired in humans and land animals.
Schools in three cities will serve 140,000 vegan meals per week.
An architecture studio designed the Camp Adventure Treetop Experience in Denmark, - a unique destination that aims to reconnect people to nature by elevating them high above the treetop canopy.
Taiwan is the first country in Asia to make the actual consumption of dog and cat meat punishable by law.
A French design studio recently unveiled OxyGen, their competition-winning proposal that will bring greenery and prefab construction to Paris’ major business district.
The town of Cajamarca, Colombia said no to what could have been the biggest gold mine in South America.
Today China closes the first of its state-licensed ivory carving factories and retailers, a move conservationists hail as a big step toward saving elephants from extinction.
Australian Architectural firm McGregor Coxall has won a competition to design a wetland bird sanctuary in Tianjin, China. The winning entry will be the world's first migratory "bird airport."
The concrete jungle of Hong Kong will soon become a bit greener. Landscape architecture firm revealed landscape designs to create a new public space that will inject much-needed green space to the dense urban environment.
Humans are a part of nature in every moment, in every place, and recognizing this puts a different lens on how you interact with the world’s ecological and social communities.
Spending time in woodland regulates human emotions and the heart helping to restore a healthy balance when compared to time in urban environments, according to new research.
When completed, The Great Trail is expected to traverse 14,913 miles of Canada.
"It's a practical possibility," says biologist E.O. Wilson, and it could save 80 to 90 percent of all species on Earth.