Taiwan Plans on Banning all Wasteful Disposables by 2030

Taiwan aims to be completely free of plastic bags and all single-use plastic items, such as utensils and beverage cups, by 2030. Starting this year, chain restaurants will be restricted from giving straws to customers for in-store use.

How Taiwan achieved highest recycling rates in the world

A quarter century ago people called it “Garbage Island.” Today it has one of the world’s most efficient recycling programs, claiming 55 percent of trash collected from households being recycled.

Eco-Friendly Machine That Recycles Used Diapers

Some diapers can take up to 400 years to decompose. Now researchers in Taiwan have created a user-friendly machine that can turn 220 pounds of dirty diapers into clean, raw materials in a single hour.

First Asian Country Rules in Favor of Same-sex Marriage

Though the actual legislation is yet to be created, the highest court of the nation has recognized same-sex marriage as a constitutional right.

Amazing building made from 1.5 million plastic bottles

Built from 1.5 million recycled plastic bottles, this massive pavilion is surprisingly strong enough to withstand the forces of nature—including fires and earthquakes.

Taiwan Becomes First Asian Country to Ban Consumption of Dogs, Cats

Taiwan is the first country in Asia to make the actual consumption of dog and cat meat punishable by law.