The Last Spot on Earth Just Passed a Historic Climate Milestone

For the first time in 4 million years, carbon dioxide concentrations cleared 400 parts per million (ppm) at the South Pole. It's the last climate-monitoring spot on Earth to pass the historic milestone.

Global ethane concentrations rising again, says study

Global emissions of ethane, an air pollutant and greenhouse gas, are on the uptick again, according to a new study. The air samples for the study were collected from more than 40 sites around the world.

Climate change mitigation: Turning carbon dioxide into rock

The study has shown for the first time that the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide can be permanently and rapidly locked away from the atmosphere, by injecting it into volcanic bedrock. The carbon dioxide reacts with the surrounding rock, forming environmentally benign minerals.

This Might Get the World to Finally Pay Attention to Climate Change

Six British warships stationed in the Persian Gulf are breaking down because the water is too hot. When the ships' turbines get overheated, they can't generate as much energy, resulting in electrical failures.

G7 leaders agree to stop subsidizing fossil fuels by 2025

At a summit in Japan, the G7 world leaders pledged to stop subsidies for fossil fuels by 2025. Their declaration could include consumption and exploration.

El Nino Is Over, But Has Left Its Mark Across The World

The 2015-16 El Nino has likely reached its end. Tropical Pacific Ocean temperatures, trade winds, cloud and pressure patterns have all dropped back to near normal, although clearly the event's impacts around the globe are still being felt.

The World's Environments Are Being Destroyed Faster Than They Can Recover

The latest report from the United Nations found that the damage we are doing is occurring at a much more rapid pace than previously thought, to such an extent that we are degrading the environment quicker than it can recover.

MIT joins Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition

Led by World Bank and IMF, coalition seeks to price emissions to tackle climate change.

Patents Show That Oil Companies Could Have Lowered Emissions Far Earlier Than Originally Thought

Oil companies have known about the effects of carbon dioxide emissions from cars far longer than many originally thought, according to recently released documents.

Climate change could trigger 'tipping point' for East Antarctic Totten Glacier

The Totten Glacier in East Antarctica has an unstable area that could collapse and contribute to more than two metres of sea level rise beyond what is generally predicted if climate change remains unchecked, researchers say.

Here's one reason not to hate hurricanes

When it comes to hurricanes, environmental engineer Ana Barros says there are two sides to the story.

Satellite Images Reveal the Horrific Scope of Alberta's Wildfires

Wildfires continue to ravage the Canadian province of Alberta, and experts say they could double in size and take months to extinguish. Here are the latest space-based images of this unprecedented natural disaster.

Solomon Islands, Site of WW II Fighting, Are Vanishing

Today, the Solomon Islands are fighting a losing battle against climate change and rising sea levels.

India struggles with catastrophic drought that's claimed hundreds of lives

A record-breaking heatwave has swept across India since early April, bringing the worst drought in decades along with it.

Achieving fish biomass targets: The key to securing a sustainable future for coral reefs

Scientists from WCS, University of Queensland, James Cook University, and Macquarie University have completed a massive study that will help communities and countries of the Western Indian Ocean measure and restore fish populations while identifying the best policies for achieving global sustainable and conservation targets.