Our Galaxy's Heart Is Pulsing With a Mysterious Signal

Every 76 minutes, like clockwork, the gamma-ray flux of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole in our galaxy, fluctuates, suggesting an orbital motion of something whirling madly around the black hole.

Australian Radio Telescope Spots Possible "Polar Ring" Galaxy

A radio telescope in Australia recently captured a stunning image of NGC 4632, a galaxy some 56 million light-years from Earth. The image reveals a halo of cool hydrogen orbiting perpendicular to the galaxy itself.

Mysterious Black Hole Twins May Fuel The Brightest Galaxies in Space

According to a new analysis of a type of galaxy known as a blazar, the best explanation for unusual changes in their glow is a pair of supermassive black holes locked in a decaying orbit.

Most distant galactic magnetic field yet

Astronomers detected the most distant galactic magnetic field so far. The galaxy is called 9io9. Its light has to travel travel more than 11 billion years to reach us, from a time when the universe was a young 2.5 billion years old.

Astronomers discover first ‘bubble of galaxies’

The bubble is 10,000 times wider than the Milky Way and located 820 million light-years from our own galaxy. The astronomers have called their bubble Ho’oleilana – meaning “sent murmurs of awakening”.

Astronomers confirm the faintest galaxy ever seen

The galaxy, called JD1, is seen as it was when the universe was only 480 million years old, or 4% of its present age.

The puzzle of the galaxy with no dark matter

International research has found the first evidence of a massive galaxy with no dark matter. The result is a challenge to the current standard model of cosmology.

A cosmic object 10 million times brighter than the Sun breaks the laws of Physics

There’s a celestial body in the galaxy messier 82also known as the Cigar Galaxywhich emits 10 million times more light than the Sun. According to the laws of Physics,this is only possible if the body is about to explode. 

Astronomers found 25 more repeating radio signals from space

In new research, a Canadian-led team of astronomers turned up another 25 repeating FRBs, doubling the number already discovered.

Astronomers solve the 60-year mystery of quasars

Scientists have unlocked one of the biggest mysteries of quasars—the brightest, most powerful objects in the universe—by discovering that they are ignited by galaxies colliding.

Webb telescope discovers oldest galaxies ever observed

The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered the four most distant galaxies ever observed, one of which formed just 320 million years after the Big Bang when the universe was still in its infancy, new research said on Tuesday.

Mysterious Dark Galaxy Emits No Visible Light

One newly discovered dwarf galaxy, FAST J0139+4328, located a mere 94 million light-years away is barely emitting any light at all. The galaxy seems to be made up almost entirely of dark matter.

New survey of the Milky Way unveils 3.3 billion celestial objects

Astronomers have recently released new images of the Milky Way that offer an unprecedented look at an enormous slice of the galaxy, complete with star clusters, clouds of cosmic dust and the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*.

Astronomers capture radio signal from distant galaxy

Researchers from Montreal and India have captured a radio signal from the most distant galaxy so far at a specific wavelength known as the 21 cm line, this is the first time this type of radio signal has been detected at such a large distance.

Mysterious bubbles in the center of the Milky Way explained

A Japanese scientist has shown that large gamma-ray-emitting bubbles around the center of the Milky Way were produced by fast, outward-blowing winds and an associated "reverse shock."