Ring galaxies are rare, but we think we know how they form. A new, early-stage version, the Bullseye galaxy, provides a new testing ground.
Astronomers have spotted two close pairs of quasars in the process of merging as their host galaxies crash together in a slow-motion collision 10 billion years ago. Quasars make a profound impact on galaxy formation.
Researchers from Yale University claim to have found stronger evidence to confirm that galaxies with little or no dark matter do really exist.
More precisely, the Milky Way collided with the second galaxy, absorbing many of its stars and spiraling out a chaotic tangle of stellar matter — birthing new stars and altering the orbits of others.
Using the amplifying power of a cosmic gravitational lens, astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy whose stars were born unexpectedly early in cosmic history. This result sheds new light on the formation of the first galaxies, as well as on the early evolution of the Universe.