Internet of Things technology can boost classroom learning

The use of Internet of Things devices in the classroom can have major educational benefits and appeal to both genders if designed and used in the right way, according to new UK research.

Robots have power to significantly influence children's opinions

The study compared how adults and children respond to an identical task when in the presence of both their peers and humanoid robots. Children were more likely to give the same responses as the robots.

School-in-a-Box brings the gift of learning to Papua New Guinea

Architects worked with the non-profit SEAM to create School-in-a-Box, a portable school that helps bring accessible education to remote areas.

Children More Patient Now Than 50 Years Ago

Some 50 years since the 'marshmallow test' in which most kids gobbled up one treat immediately rather than wait several minutes to get two, today's youngsters may be able to delay gratification significantly longer.

Stand on the surface of an alien planet with NASA

On NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration website, you can explore an imagined surface of an alien world via 360-degree, interactive visualizations.

These ‘Pollution Pods’ Have Sprung Up in London for a Great Reason

Each of the five pods simulates the air quality in a different city. The work is to mark Earth Day on April 22 — a global movement to raise awareness of the necessity of protecting the environment.

Singapore wants elementary schoolers learning 3D printing, robotics

Singapore aims to deliver an expended learning program to primary schoolers by the year 2023. The program will include STEM activities like robotics, coding, and 3D printing.

New school in India will prioritize happiness and emotional intelligence

Riverbend School in India is planning to focus on personal happiness, and turning out children who will give back to the world in a positive way.

Nature-based preschools are a growing trend in the USA

Nature-based preschools have been popular in Europe for decades, especially in Germany and Scandinavia. Studies show that kids who learn outdoors have better academic results.

Lessons in nature boost classroom engagement afterward

Students who spend a class session in a natural outdoor setting are more engaged and less distracted in their regular classroom afterward than when they remain indoors, scientists found in a new study.

A Teenager Just Won $250,000 For Her Way Of Explaining Relativity

An 18-year-old from the Philippines recently explained part of Einstein’s theories of relativity in a short video clip. For her efforts, she’s won the highly-coveted 2017 Breakthrough Junior Challenge.

The World Needs More Scientists To Solve Global Challenges

A Danish company, Labster, that develops virtual reality science laboratories offer users virtualized lab equipment in a software simulation.

Virtual Reality in Education

Virtual reality continues to make ground in education; from the world’s first VR primary school tour to an increased emphasis on experiential learning.

How Technology Is Leading Us Into the Imagination Age

The imagination age is a theoretical period beyond the information age where creativity and imagination will become the primary creators of economic value.

Elementary School in US Keeps Unwanted Food Out of Trash

Everyone knows that kids are picky eaters – so what better way to salvage their rejected snacks than these ‘share tables’ for the hungry and homeless?