Recent tests of car exhaust on monkeys have renewed the debate around animal testing. Researchers say there are alternatives that are less cruel.
In a historic vote, the Legislative Council of Hong Kong voted 49-4 to ban the trade of ivory by 2021.
The scientists tried 79 times before they got it right. Monkey after monkey was made to live in distressing conditions and then die after a few days.
Swiss government officials signed a sweeping animal welfare bill that will take effect in March. The new legislation prohibits the practice of killing lobsters by boiling them alive.
This decision makes Italy the 41st country to ban animals in circuses -- something that countries as diverse as Romania, Mexico, Greece, Singapore, Costa Rica, Taiwan, Iran, and Colombia have already done.
Livestock is 'a bigger contributor to global warming and environmental degradation than all forms of transportation,' Mr Branson said.
The non-profit organisation is joining forces with the Body Shop to launch Forever Against Animal Testing, a campaign to enforce a global ban by 2020. They plan to take the campaign all the way to the United Nations.
After 146 years Ringling circus is putting on its final show. Lawmakers may unite to take all traveling exotic animals off the road.
Taiwan is the first country in Asia to make the actual consumption of dog and cat meat punishable by law.
In a disturbing repeat of last year, Japanese whalers returned to port Friday with the carcasses of 333 minke whales on board. Since 1986, a global moratorium has banned the hunting of whales, but Japan claims the killings are being done for “scientific research.”
Since these chips can mimic the microarchitecture and functions of lungs, hearts, and intestines, they may eliminate the need for living subjects.
Japanese fisherman have slaughtered 15-20 dolphins this Friday in the annual hunt in Taiji.
The United States lifts protection for most humpback whales around the globe based on evidence of a strong comeback in numbers.
Researchers have found a way to culture cells in a lab and produce leather that's biologically identical to that made from animal skin.
Zoos are awful places for animals to live, and zoos are awful places for humans to visit.