General Motors has committed to a fully-green slate of cars in future, promising to roll out only electric vehicles by 2035. The company also intends to be fully carbon neutral by 2040.
Massachusetts state administrators note that cars are major contributors to carbon pollution, and any plan to achieve net-zero emissions must include the eradication of fossil fuel-powered automobiles.
"For too many decades, we have allowed cars to pollute the air that our children and families breathe. Californians shouldn’t have to worry if our cars are giving our kids asthma", the governor has announced.
High temperatures in the Arctic have puzzled scientists for decades. Now, a new study supports predictions that the Arctic could be free of sea ice by 2035.
The station would capture the Sun's energy that never makes it all the way down to Earth. The energy would be converted into microwaves or lasers and be beamed back Earth to be used for our consumption.
The country will pursue 100% renewable energy by 2035, overhaul public transportation, invest in electric cars, plant 1 trillion trees, and stop permitting oil and gas exploration.
The City of Los Angeles announced a bold plan to recycled 100 percent of the 260 million gallons of wastewater currently being discharged to the Pacific Ocean through the Hyperion Treatment Plant.
Chicago’s mayor announced the “Windy City” will make the transition to 100% clean, renewable energy in buildings community-wide by 2035.
A Caribbean island once full of lush trees and teeming with wildlife is nearly completely deforested and undergoing a mass extinction event. More than half of the country's species predicted to be gone by 2035.
UK study reports that the number of older people diagnosed with four or more diseases will double between 2015 and 2035.
The government of New Zealand has just unveiled an ambitious set of environmental policies that are destined to take an aggressive stance against climate change in the future.
Oxford in the UK wants to become the world's first carbon emission-free city by 2035, with a plan to ban all petrol and diesel vehicles from the city centre over the next 20 years.
USA's Atlanta City approved a measure Monday establishing a community-wide goal of transitioning 100 percent to renewable energy by 2035.
“There is no more business as usual in the energy sector. There are a number of low-carbon technologies about to achieve critical mass decades before some companies expect”, says James Leaton, head of research at Carbon Tracker.
The deal encourages airlines to buy credits through global carbon markets to offset their emissions.