Singapore and German researchers succeeded in developing and fabricating the first full-size interdigitated back contact (IBC) bifacial solar module in the world. The groundbreaking module could last longer and generate more power.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced this week that the city has committed to ensure all government buildings will be powered by 100% renewable electricity by 2025.
A new study finds key to produce perovskite solar cells that display both high efficiency (21.2%) and long-term stability (1,000 hours of light exposure).
The world built more renewables for far less money last year, report UN and Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
Eurelectric, an industry body which represents 3,500 European utilities announced that its members will not invest in new-build coal-fired power plants after 2020.
Scottish wind turbines sent more than 1.2 million megawatt hours of electricity to the National Grid in March. The turbines produced enough electricity to meet the electrical needs of 136 % of Scottish households.
A $1 billion battery and solar farm will be built at Morgan in South Australia's Riverland by year's end in a project the proponents describe as "the world's biggest".
If you want a template for making renewable energy work in the here and now, look no further than the Scottish island of Eigg, which is powered almost completely by wind, solar, and hydro technology.
Dubbed the “artificial Sun”, the Synlight uses concentrated light to power Thermochemical Water Splitting (TWS.) The Synlight project will mimic the effect of intense, continuous solar energy, something that is not readily available in Germany.
A new report released this week by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is the latest attempt to address the question of global warming.
A group of researchers funded by a Japanese government program develops “industrially compatible” cells.
Madison, Wisconsin and Abita Springs, Louisiana are transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy. They join 23 other cities across the United States that have declared similar goals.
A car company and water management company have transformed wastewater into the alternative fuel. Powered with this biofuel, a vehicle could circumnavigate the globe 100 times.
A coal mine in Germany will never produce coal again. Instead it is being converted into a pumped-storage hydroelectric reservoir. This means that it will be used to store excess energy from green sources like solar and wind.
Tamarugal project expected to theoretically generate 2,600 GWh of electricity annually.