In early June, Ben Lecomte will enter the waters to begin a 10,000-km swim across the Pacific Ocean that seeks to shine a light on ocean pollution and plastic contamination.
Toxic chemicals such as bromine, antimony and lead are finding their way into food-contact items and other everyday products because manufacturers are using recycled electrical equipment as a source of black plastic.
National Geographic is launching of Plastic or Planet initiative. It will be a long-term, multi-year commitment.
Unlike plastics made from petroleum products, the new kind can be converted back to its original small-molecule state, and remade into new plastics over and over.
Scientists believe that the enzyme could be a miraculous solution to the million tons of plastic currently polluting the planet.
An industrial processing company in Ghana is turning plastic bags into pavement blocks that can be used to build roads. And it’s not just plastic bags than can be utilized, but just about any kind of plastic garbage.
Now, researchers have found 73 percent of Northwest Atlantic deep-sea fish are eating microplastic – the highest reported frequency of plastic-eating fish in the world.
After years of creating bottles for major companies, a French entrepreneur turned his hand to developing the "Vegan Bottle." In contrast, to plastics based on petrochemicals, the bottle is 100 percent biodegradable.
An estimated 3400 ‘throwaway’ bottles are produced by Coca-cola every second, according Greenpeace.
These are the companies most responsible for plastic pollution at Freedom Island according to Greenpeace: Nestlé, Unilever, PT Torabika Mayora, Universal Robina Corporation, Procter & Gamble, Nutri-Asia, Monde Nissin, Zesto, Colgate Palmolive, and Liwayway.
Tiny bits of plastic commonly come rushing out of water taps around the world, according to a new survey of 159 water samples collected from more than a dozen nations.
Governments must end incentives that see plastic waste shipped abroad, where it may be buried or burned, rather than being turned back into bottles at home, say industry leaders.
Built from 1.5 million recycled plastic bottles, this massive pavilion is surprisingly strong enough to withstand the forces of nature—including fires and earthquakes.
A chance observation by a researcher in Spain could help humans reduce the ecological damage caused by polyethylene-based packaging.
Pretty Plastic Plant is an assembly of six machines that can sort waste plastic by color, wash it, melt it and turn it into plastic slates and tiles.