Three Supermassive Black Holes Orbiting Around Each Other

Astronomers have spotted three supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the center of three colliding galaxies a billion light years away from Earth. That alone is unusual, but the three black holes are also glowing in x-ray emissions. 

Astronomers Uncover Dozens of Previously Unknown Galaxies

An international team of astronomers led by the University of Tokyo used ALMA to view 39 previously-undiscovered ancient galaxies,  a find that could have major implications for astronomy and cosmology.

The mystery of the galaxy with no dark matter

Researchers have clarified one of the mysteries of 2018 in the field of extragalactic astrophysics: the supposed existence of a galaxy without dark matter. New results show that the galaxy is "normal" with dark matter present.

Hubble's One Picture Containing 265,000 Galaxies

Hubble’s latest contribution comes in the form of a deep-sky mosaic image that was constructed using 16 years’ worth of observations. Known as the “Hubble Legacy Field“ it contains roughly 265,000 galaxies.

Unusual galaxies defy dark matter theory

Researchers from Yale University claim to have found stronger evidence to confirm that galaxies with little or no dark matter do really exist.

New Visualization Provides Ultra HD View of Our Galaxy Center

This 360-movie offers an unparalleled opportunity to look around the center of the galaxy, from the vantage point of the central supermassive black hole, in any direction the user chooses.

Milky Way tips the scales at 1.5 trillion solar masses

Using ESA's Gaia spacecraft and NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have come up with the most accurate measurement yet of the Milky Way’s total mass. It contains about 1.5 trillion times the mass of Earth’s Sun.

Hubble's dazzling display of two colliding galaxies

Located in the constellation of Hercules, about 230 million light-years away, NGC 6052 is a pair of colliding galaxies. This particular image was taken using the Wide Field Camera 3 on the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

Astronomers Just Found 300,000 Hidden Galaxies in Just a Tiny Patch of Sky

A release of data gathered by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) telescope network in Europe has discovered more than 300,000 potential galaxies in a tiny corner of the northern sky.

New Images of Andromeda Galaxy 

A new sky survey project, The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), has released its first round of incredible data, results, and images, including this amazing new view of our neighboring Andromeda galaxy.

Astronomers Discover Three New Globular Clusters in Milky Way

A duo of astronomers has spotted three new globular clusters in the Milky Way’s bulge, a 10,000-light-year-wide central structure made primarily of old stars, gas and dust.

A new galaxy in the cosmic neighborhood

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have made an unexpected finding. They discovered a dwarf galaxy in our cosmic backyard, only 30 million light-years away.

The Most Detailed Photo of Our Neighbor, The Triangulum Galaxy

The Hubble Space Telescope's has managed to take the most detailed image yet of our Local Group neighbour - the Triangulum galaxy, also known as Messier 33, or NGC 598, located 3 million light years away.

Dark matter on the move

Scientists have found evidence that dark matter can be heated up and moved around, as a result of star formation in galaxies. The findings provide the first observational evidence for the effect known as 'dark matter heating'.

Trans-galactic streamers feeding most luminous galaxy in the universe

ALMA data show the most luminous galaxy in the universe has been caught in the act of stripping away nearly half the mass from at least three of its smaller neighbors.