Marijuana Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes

Recent and long-term marijuana use is linked to changes in the human genome, a new study found. Although multiple states have legalized marijuana, the health consequences of marijuana use are not well understood.

Twin study links exercise to beneficial epigenetic changes

Consistent exercise can change the very molecules in the human body that influence how genes behave, a new study of twins indicates. 

Poverty leaves a mark on our genes

A new U.S. study challenges prevailing understandings of genes as immutable features of biology that are fixed at conception and founds that poverty leaves a mark on nearly 10 percent of the genes in the genome.

The Impact of Space Travel on Gene Expression

Overall, astronauts remain in excellent mental and physical health relative even after their return from long-term missions. And yet some develop cardiovascular deconditioning, vision problems and ovary problems (women).

Exposure to cannabis alters the genetic profile of sperm

New research suggests men in their child-bearing years should consider how THC could impact their sperm and possibly the children they conceive during periods when they've been using the drug.

New epigenetic test has 100 per cent detection rate

"In contrast to what most researchers and clinicians are saying, we are seeing more and more evidence that it is in fact epigenetics, and not DNA mutations, that drives a whole range of early cancers.

Don't forget the 'epi' in genetics research, scientist says

In a review article a prominent scientist calls for more integration between two fields of DNA-based research: genetics and epigenetics.

Millions of new genes in human microbiome

A new study has uncovered millions of previously unknown genes from microbial communities in the human gut, skin, mouth, and vaginal microbiome, allowing for new insights into the role these microbes play in human health and disease.

A Fascinating Potential Link Between Gut Bacteria and Health

The bacteria in our gut, researchers found, produce one of the same signaling molecules that humans do, which can then interact with receptors in the body to mediate health.

Epigenetics between the generations

Researchers show that the inherited epigenetic instructions contribute in regulating gene expression in the offspring. Another study proves that mother's epigenetic memory is essential for the development and survival of the new generation.

This Study is Forcing Scientists to Rethink the Human Genome

A new study suggests an intriguing new way of viewing the genome in which nearly every gene impacts every other gene.

Gut Bacteria Can Influence Brain Activity, New Research Finds

According to team of neuroscientists in Portugal and Australia, bacteria in the guts may be chemically communicating with the brain in such a way as to impact dietary choices.

Aging clock and epigenetics

Recent research has shown that DNA methylation, an epigenetic modification is so accurate that chronological age in humans can be predicted +/- 3.6 years from any tissue or fluid in the body. This is referred to as the epigenetic clock.

Cellular Reprogramming Rejuvenates Old Mice and Boosts Lifespans 30%

Using a process designed to “reprogram” normal adult cells into pluripotent stem cells researchers have managed to boost the life spans of mice by up to 30% and rejuvenate some of their tissues.

Cultural differences may leave their mark on DNA

A San Francisco, US - led study has identified signatures of ethnicity in the genome that appear to reflect an ethnic group's shared culture and environment, rather than their common genetic ancestry.