Cultural differences may leave their mark on DNA

A San Francisco, US - led study has identified signatures of ethnicity in the genome that appear to reflect an ethnic group's shared culture and environment, rather than their common genetic ancestry.

The world's top biologists have met to discuss whether we should update evolution

A team of researchers has now proposed an update to our current understanding of evolution - one that could completely shift our understanding of how species evolve.

Multifaceted genetic impact of training

Endurance training changes the activity of thousands of genes and give rise to a multitude of altered DNA-copies, RNA, researchers report.

New PET scan tracer allows first imaging of the epigenetics of the human brain

A novel PET radiotracer is able for the first time to reveal epigenetic activity - the process that determines whether or not genes are expressed -within the human brain.

Quantum Living: Epigenetics And Exercise: How Genes Take Shape To Change Your DNA

Epigenetics, a cutting-edge new science that studies how our gene expression is influenced and changed by a whole host of factors—from diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices - to environmental factors and lifestyle modifications as well.