The research team has demonstrated for the first time that the radiation encountered in deep space travel may increase the risk of leukemia in humans. The average distance to the red planet is 140 million miles, and a roundtrip could take three years.
The growing space debris problem may have a flip side: What if we could recycle the junk for components of a mission to the Red Planet?
Live coverage of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and the Schiaparelli lander arriving at Mars.
If successful, the October 19th landing would be a historic first for Europe
In December, NASA put out a call for adventurers interested in interplanetary exploration. A vast pool of applications will be cut to 120 finalists, who will vie to become part of NASA’s next class of eight to 12 astronauts.
Elon Musk finally revealed his plans for a mission to Mars today. But a new set of images from SpaceX show the Interplanetary Transport System going even further in the solar system than the Red Planet.
One year ago, six volunteers entered a 36-by-20 foot dome, located near a barren volcano in Hawaii, to simulate what living conditions would be like on Mars. Today they re-emerged from their year-long isolation.
The astronauts who will one day be the first to walk on Mars are likely middle school students today. A virtual reality tour of Mars is done on a retrofitted school bus outside the Denver Museum of Nature, USA
In October, the joint ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars 2016 mission will land the Schiaparelli rover on the Red Planet. Here's where the probe is scheduled to land, and why researchers chose this particular area.
Tucked aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, HiRISE has a telescope aperture of 0.5 meter, making it the most powerful camera ever sent into deep space, with a maximum resolution of about 0.3 meter/pixel.
The Mars 2020 mission will look a lot like NASA's Mars Science Laboratory, but will feature some impressive tools to track down ancient life and do some important groundwork ahead of a future human mission.
The Curiosity Rover discovered manganese oxides on the red planet. The seemingly simple find actually has mind-boggling implications: ancient Mars could have been a lot more like Earth than we thought.
Wageningen University scientists determined four of the crops they cultivated in Mars-like soil are in fact edible.
Four sister robots built by NASA could be pioneers in the colonization of Mars, but first the 2-million-dollar robots are finding new homes on Earth.
The bold announcement from private spaceflight company occurred on April 27th, 2016 via their social feeds. They plan on launching the 'Red Dragon' spacecrafts atop Falcon 9 Heavy rockets, that are still under development.