US university leads world in reconfigurable supercomputing

University of Florida researchers say their supercomputer, named Novo-G, is the world

Beam me up: could lasers launch rockets? After initial costs, beamed energy propulsion would be a cheaper, safer and more efficient way to launch payloads into space

Discovery News digs deep into our world's mysteries. Join us to explore current events and uncover the science behind the headlines. We Dig. You Discover.

Europe set for landmark launch with robot freighter

A robot freighter is poised to blast into the skies on Tuesday in the heftiest liftoff in Europe

Coming soon? The 100-million-dollar robotic arm

Within six months the military plans to begin implanting microchips on the surface of patients' brains to study a prosthetic robotic arm controlled by the user's thoughts, via the chip.

China building a city for cloud computing

China is building a city-sized (6.2 million square feet) cloud computing and office complex that will include a mega data center, one of the projects

Ultrafast quantum computer closer: ten billion bits of entanglement achieved in silicon

Scientists have made a significant step towards an ultrafast quantum computer by successfully generating 10 billion bits of quantum entanglement in silicon for the first time -- entanglement is the key ingredient that promises to make quantum computers far more powerful than conventional computing devices.

Stardust-NEXT: heading into the bonus round - in space

A bonus round is something one usually associates with the likes of a TV game show, not a pioneering deep space mission. "We are definitely in the bonus round," said Stardust-NExT Project Manager Tim Larson of NASA

Affetto: a realistic robot baby is looking at you [+video]

( -- Minoru Asada, a professor of Adaptive Machine Systems at Osaka University in Japan and head of the JST ERATO Asada Project, along with two of his colleagues; Hisashi Ishihara, a PhD candidate at Osaka University; and Yuichiro Yoshikawa, from the Dept. of Adaptive Machine Systems at Osaka University have developed a child-like robot platform called Affetto.

Smart drone aircraft makes debut flight

Lacking any kind of pilot, this drone flew for 29 minutes, landing perfectly on target.

Researchers predict future of electronic devices, see top ten list of expected breakthroughs

In the first published critical review of technical developments related to electronic paper devices (i.e., e-readers like the Amazon Kindle), experts review the next generation of these devices.

‘Lightradio’ to deliver universal broadband, replace cell towers

Alcatel-Lucent announced Monday that it has developed lightRadio, a new mobile communication system intended to help deliver universal broadband coverage by

Roboearth teaches robots to learn from peers, pour european fruit beverages

European scientists and engineers have developed RoboEarth, the World Wide Web for robots, to allow robots to learn from the experience of their peers,