Climate change could trigger 'tipping point' for East Antarctic Totten Glacier

The Totten Glacier in East Antarctica has an unstable area that could collapse and contribute to more than two metres of sea level rise beyond what is generally predicted if climate change remains unchecked, researchers say.

Report Reveals 20% Of All Plants At Risk Of Extinction

In the first ever report looking into the world's plants and their status, scientists have cataloged almost 400,000 known species.

Satellite Images Reveal the Horrific Scope of Alberta's Wildfires

Wildfires continue to ravage the Canadian province of Alberta, and experts say they could double in size and take months to extinguish. Here are the latest space-based images of this unprecedented natural disaster.

Solomon Islands, Site of WW II Fighting, Are Vanishing

Today, the Solomon Islands are fighting a losing battle against climate change and rising sea levels.

India struggles with catastrophic drought that's claimed hundreds of lives

A record-breaking heatwave has swept across India since early April, bringing the worst drought in decades along with it.

How Corruption Is Hurting Mexico City's Efforts To Tackle Air Pollution

On March 15 this year, Mexico City encountered its worst environmental crisis of the last decade. A gray fog, comprising noxious air pollutants, cast a shadow over the sprawling metropolitan area for two days. Vehicles were ordered off the roads, and people were asked to remain indoors.

The Oceans Are Running Low on Oxygen

File this under definitely not good: global warming is depleting the oceans of oxygen. You know, that little molecule that we, along with all other complex life forms, require in order to breathe and therefore live.

Consensus Confirmed: Over 90% Of Climate Scientists Believe We're Causing Global Warming |

When we published a paper in 2013 finding 97% scientific consensus on human-caused global warming, what surprised me was how surprised everyone was. Ours wasn't the first study to find such a scientific consensus. Nor was it the second. Nor were we the last.

This Is Why the Great Barrier Reef Is Dying

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most celebrated ecosystems on Earth - and it's dying. Months of extreme heat have turned thousands of miles of pristine habitat into an endless watery graveyard. This year's coral bleaching event comes as a warning. If we don't bring carbon emissions down fast, the Great Barrier Reef will not survive the century.

We Finally Know Why the North Pole Is Moving East

Something strange is happening to our planet. Around the year 2000, the North rotational pole started migrating eastward at a vigorous clip. Now, scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have figured out what's going on, and you'll be shocked to learn that humans are behind it.

Climate Reality and Filipinos

Climate related disasters can be felt on all of the islands. Typhoons most greatly impact life in the Philippines. We have almost too many to name. Reality is telling us that typhoons are becoming stronger and more violent, surpassing even the estimated limit of the ‘strongest level’ from super to mega typhoons.

Water problems in Asia's future?

Study finds high risk of severe water stress in Asia by 2050.

Carbon emissions rate 'highest in 66 million years'

The rate of carbon emissions is higher than at any time in fossil records stretching back 66 million years to the end of the age of the dinosaurs, a new study finds.

Human impact forms 'striking new pattern' in Earth's global energy flow

The impact humans have made on Earth in terms of how we produce and consume resources has formed a 'striking new pattern' in the planet's global energy flow, according to researchers.

What Will Climate Change Mean for Whales? These Scientists Hope to Find Out.

Writer Douglas Fox and photographer Carolyn Van Houten are spending 15 days aboard the M.V. Ortelius, docked here at the Port of Ushuaia on March 10, 2016, to join scientists conducting studies of humpback and minke whales in the glacial fjords along the Antarctic Peninsula.