YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NY - It's man vs. machine -- for real. IBM's celebrated supercomputer Watson will square off against Jeopardy champions Ken Jennings and
University of Florida researchers say their supercomputer, named Novo-G, is the world
Scientists have developed and demonstrated the world
By DAVID GELERNTER If you want to repair a fancy race car at a pit stop, you could have a master mechanic go over the whole thing. Or you could hire a bunch of specialists—for the engine, brakes, suspension, tires—and have them swarm all over the car simultaneously. The crowd of specialists would do the job faster. And if you add more specialists (one for the front wheels, say, and one for the back), the job would go even faster. More Can a Computer Win on 'Jeopardy'? That's a big
Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Lowell laugh in the face of Intel
Watson the super computer has defeated the two greatest human champs in the history of "Jeopardy."