ESA's XMM-Newton has found a pulsar - the spinning remains of a once-massive star - that is a thousand times brighter than previously thought possible.
Neutron stars are one possible suspect responsible for an abundance of positrons in the Milky Way. Now astronomers have caught one red handed.
By connecting two of the biggest radio telescopes in the world, astronomers have discovered that a simple binary wind fast radio bursts after all. The bursts may come from a highly magnetized, isolated neutron star - magnetar.
Only 31 magnetars ( type of neutron star that has the strongest magnetic field ) have even been discovered and recently astronomers have found an extremely unique object that is both a magnetar and a pulsar.
Until now, the source of Fast Radio Bursts was a mystery. Now astronomers at multiple institutions have pinpointed the FRB spotted in the Milky Way and conclude it most likely was generated by a magnetar.
The record-breaking field was discovered at the surface of a neutron star called GRO J1008-57 with a magnetic field strength of approximately 1 BILLION Tesla. For comparison, the Earth’s magnetic field is about 1/20,000 of a Tesla.
Magnetars generate the absolute most powerful magnetic fields the cosmos has ever seen – and astronomers have recently spotted a newborn. It appears to be the youngest- ever magnetar ever detected.
Follow the story of golden atoms from their birth in stellar explosions via incorporation into formation of our planet to their coming together in a golden nugget and appearance in the Earth's crust.
Gravitational waves from the collision of two neutron stars have been detected for the second time ever — along with another, less certain signal that a neutron star being swallowed by a black hole.
An international team of researchers has calculated the strength of nuclear pasta - extremely dense material deep inside the crust of neutron stars. The results show that nuclear it may be the strongest known material in the Universe.
“The emission is clearly above what the neutron star itself emits—it doesn’t come from the neutron star alone,” the study’s lead author stated.“This is very new.”
The merger of two neutron stars generated gravitational waves and high-energy gamma radiation and detected last August likely produced a record low-mass black hole.
Contrary to what was expected, a team of astronomers has discovered that kilonova event has been brightening ever since it first appeared.
Merging Neutron Stars Challenge Existing Theories of Gravity and Dark Energy.
For the first time, gravitational waves have been detected coming from the violent collision of two neutron star potentially solving the mystery of where heavy elements like gold come from as well as producing a visible afterglow detected by over 70 telescopes around the world.