The Milky Way Could Be Spreading Life From Star to Star

According to the model of US researchers, the entire Milky Way (and even other galaxies) could be exchanging the components necessary for life.

Scientists identify protein that may have existed when life began

Researchers have found among the first and perhaps only hard evidence that simple protein catalysts - essential for cells, the building blocks of life, to function - may have existed when life began.

Life on Earth May Have Started With a Cosmic Splash

Could the building blocks for life on Earth have been delivered by meteorites crashing into ponds of water 4 billion years ago?

Cassini Finds that Titan is Building the Life Chemicals

A discovery on Saturn's Moon Titan could be an indication of how life begins to emerge throughout the Universe.

Potential building block of life found in very young star system

Two teams of researchers reported they have detected a prebiotic molecule—a potential building block of life—around newly formed sunlike stars.

Saturn's moon Enceladus has the ingredients to host life

Saturn's sixth-largest moon is incredibly far from the sun, but new research shows that it could probably sustain life.

Dwarf star 200 light years away contains life's building blocks

A team of scientists reports that it has discovered the existence of a white dwarf star whose atmosphere is rich in carbon and nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. The white dwarf is approximately 200 light years from Earth and is located in the constellation Boötes.