Earth just passed a feared global warming milestone for the first time

Average global temperatures were more than 2 degrees Celsius above a pre-industrial benchmark on Friday, preliminary data show - an ominous milestone after months of record warmth. 

Five Times as Many Human Deaths From Extreme Heat Expected by 2050

Nearly five times more people will likely die due to extreme heat in the coming decades, an international team of experts said Wednesday, warning that without action on climate change the "health of humanity is at grave risk".

North Greenland ice shelves have lost 35% of their volume

A new study found that ice shelves in the region have lost more than a third of their volume in the last half-century because of rising temperatures — and if it continues, there could be "dramatic consequences" for glaciers, and the planet. 

Our Planet Is Literally Shaking Under The Effects of Global Warming

New global data, along with other ocean, satellite and regional seismic studies, show a decadeslong increase in wave energy that coincides with increasing storminess attributed to rising global temperatures.

The Southern Hemisphere Is Slowly Drying Out

A new study has shown that the Southern Hemisphere has been drying out more than the Northern Hemisphere over the past two decades (2001-2020).

Extreme weather is outpacing even the worst-case scenarios

Within 12 hours Hurricane Otis which slammed into the coastal city of Acapulco, Mexico went from a regular tropical storm to a “category 5” hurricane, the most powerful category and one which might occur only a few times worldwide each year.

Life on Earth under 'existential threat'

The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service has said that the three months to September were the hottest period ever recorded, and likely the hottest in approximately 120,000 years.

Increasing Melting of West Antarctic Ice Shelves May Now Be Unavoidable

The rate at which the warming Southern Ocean melts the West Antarctic ice sheet will speed up rapidly over the course of this century, regardless of how much emissions fall in coming decades, our new research suggests.

Amphibian crisis: 41% of species deemed threatened with extinction

Earth's amphibians are being pushed closer to the brink due to habitat destruction, disease and climate change, with 41% of species now threatened with extinction.

Indonesia fights wildfires across the country

More than 300 forest and peatland fires are blazing across Indonesia, prompting government officials to ask people to work from home. A prolonged dry season has caused higher risks of wildfires.

Heat extremes in the soil are underestimated

A research team has now found that climate change has a much greater impact on the intensity and frequency of heat extremes in the soil than in the air.

Invasive species threaten food supply and public health worldwide

Non-native species—displaced either by global trade and travel or by climate change—pose "a severe global threat" to local biodiversity, food security as well as public health, a new report has found.

Global warming could cause leaf photosynthesis to fail

Global warming could push tropical forests to a point where photosynthesis fails and trees die. The ramifications are huge, scientists say.

Antarctic Extremes Are Now Virtually Assured

Antarctica is missing an obscene amount of ice. The missing sea ice is currently the size of Greenland, a country that spans nearly 2.2 million square kilometres.

Termination Zero: Our Predicament May Be Totally Unprecedented

Since 2006, the amount of heat-trapping methane in Earth's atmosphere has been rising fast. It may signal that a great transition in Earth's climate has begun.