Nestlé targets 100% sustainable packaging by 2025

The company has joined the growing number of multinational companies, which are recognizing their crucial role in reducing the amount of global plastic waste.

A company in Ghana is turning plastic bags into roads

An industrial processing company in Ghana is turning plastic bags into pavement blocks that can be used to build roads. And it’s not just plastic bags than can be utilized, but just about any kind of plastic garbage.

Deposit return scheme proposed in UK to fight plastic waste

The UK Government has put forward plans to introduce a deposit return scheme to dramatically reduce the amount of waste from drinks.

A rare earths recovery breakthrough

A new biochemical leaching process to recover valuable rare earth metals from discarded electronics has been developed the US researchers. And the key ingredient is somewhat unusual: corn.

Plastic eating microbes may be a solution to the problem of plastic waste

The bacteria i. sakaiensis has proven to be more efficient than a fungus that is contributing to the natural biodegradation of PET.

The world-first facility in UK to turn glass into insulation

Each year, some 60 000 tonnes of used glass bottles and jars in UK will now be given a second life as energy-saving insulation materials thanks to a high-tech glass recycling facility near the city of Liverpool.

Company Sold 1 Million Shoes Made Out of Ocean Plastic Last Year

Adidas has been making shoes out of ocean plastic pollution – and according to a recent news report, they sold 1 million pairs last year.

Huge toy manufacturer announces launch of bioplastic pieces

Made from sugarcane, the new sustainable play pieces will be included in Lego kits in 2018.

Ethiopia builds Africa's first energy plant that converts trash into electricity

The plant, which was expected to begin operation in January, will incinerate 1,400 tons of waste every day.

researchers turn unwanted clothing into 'supermaterial'

A team from Singapore has devised a "fast, cheap and green method" to convert cotton-based fabric waste such as unwanted clothing into a type of aerogel.

Dubai Is Planning To Build The World's Largest Waste To Energy Plant

When up up and running it is expected to treat up to 2 million tons of solid waste every year. This is almost 60% of Dubai’s annual garbage production.

EU unveils plan to make all plastic packaging recyclable by 2030

The EU wants to make all plastic packaging recyclable, reduce single-use plastic and restrict microplastics. The plan would "lay the foundations for a new plastic economy."

A company in US dives headfirst into water recycling

By the end of the year, the 1.4 million-square foot, 61-story skyscraper will boast the largest commercial "blackwater" recycling system in the United States.

Scotland will become the first UK country to ban plastic cotton swabs

The hope is that the ban will cut down on the country’s contribution to ocean plastic, possibly even by half.

Boston, US just banned single-use plastic bags

Boston just became Massachusetts’, 60th town to pass a ban on plastic bags.