Kenya, Vanuatu, UK, Taiwan, Zimbabwe, Montreal, Malibu, Seattle, Australia, Canada, Hamburg, France, New Delhi, Morocco, Rwanda and New York have made serious strides in the race against plastic.
The ‘cool pavement’ project prevents asphalt from retaining heat by using reflective gray sealant to create cooler temperatures in urban neighborhoods.
In Norway pure battery-electric and/or hydrogen fuel cell cars and plug-in hybrid cars made up a whopping 55% of new car sales in March.
Aiming to produce more energy than it consumes, the city will stretch out to nearly 1,000 acres. It will essentially be a prototype of a future city run on renewable power and driverless public transportation.
More than 100 cities worldwide get at least 70 percent of their electricity from renewable sources, according to a new initiative. How did they manage and what can we learn from them.
These cities have large populations, such as Seattle, Vancouver, Oslo, Auckland and Nairobi. The analysis also shows that 43 cities out of 102 have now reached the astounding feat of running on 100 % renewables.
The Federal Administrative Court ruled this week that German cities can legally ban diesel vehicles.
Panasonic is building a living lab experiment just outside of Denver: a sustainable smart city expected to be up and running in eight years.
Today, more than 50 cities and towns in the United States have committed to move to 100 percent clean, renewable energy.
The trend for “green” eco-fantasy buildings is sweeping the world of architecture, with designers now integrating gardens, terraces and vertical planting in their buildings.
The world got a little closer to the first floating city when the Seasteading Institute signed a memorandum of understanding with the French Polynesian government earlier this year.
A condominium building planned for Shanghai, features landing pads for flying cars. The futuristic concept is super green and will feature a vertical forest with 50,000 trees.
A collection of technology billionaires, architects and dreamers hope to build neighborhoods and even city states on the ocean, but they could face some serious barriers.
Copenhagen has a “huge, ambitious target” to reach zero carbon emissions by 2025.
The idea behind it is to create facilities that can behave dynamically throughout their period of use and to use materials that can be used over and over again in the future.