This company wants to turn food waste into building materials

In a report entitled The Urban Bio-Loop a company proposes to transform food waste into low-cost and eco-friendly materials.

Cold conversion of food waste into renewable energy and fertilizer

A study shows bacteria in low-temperature environments could reduce carbon footprint

Fifth of world's food lost to over-eating and waste, study finds

Almost 20 per cent of the food made available to consumers is lost through over-eating or waste, a study suggests. The world population consumes around 10 per cent more food than it needs, while almost nine per cent is thrown away or left to spoil, researchers say.

Millions of tons of food could be saved with better logistics

In 2012, the estimated amount of food waste in the EU was 88 million tonnes. This equates to 173 kilograms of food waste per person, and it means that we are wasting about 20 percent of the total food produced.

He Aims to Solve Hunger in Chicago by Bringing Food Waste Down to Zero

An ingenious app of Raj Karmani, Zero Percent, connects restaurants and schools that have surplus food with nonprofits that bring the food to those in need.

The largest grocer in America introduces line of "ugly" fruit to combat food waste

The largest grocer in America recognizes that beauty is only skin deep when it comes to “ugly” fruits and vegetables. Walmart is rolling out a line of imperfect apples, aptly named “I’m Perfect”. Now they’ll receive their well-deserved spot at the table, instead of a landfill.

International partnership releases global standard to measure food loss and waste

The FLW Standard is a set of global definitions and reporting requirements designed for companies, countries and others to consistently and credibly measure, report on and manage food loss and waste.