Gravitational lensing reveals faintest galaxy yet

Astronomers have used gravitational lensing to detect an incredibly faint early-universe galaxy 13 billion light years away.

Quasars slowed star formation, new research shows: Study finding first observed evidence of galactic-wind phenomenon

Research has found new persuasive evidence that could help solve a longstanding mystery in astrophysics: why did the pace of star formation in the universe slow down some 11 billion years ago?

Fundamental matter-antimatter symmetry confirmed

International collaboration including MPQ scientists sets a new value for the antiproton mass relative to the electron with unprecedented precision.

Could the Big Bang have been a quick conversion of antimatter into matter?

( -- Suppose at some point the universe ceases to expand, and instead begins collapsing in on itself (as in the “Big Crunch” scenario), and eventually becomes a supermassive black hole. The black hole’s extreme mass produces an extremely strong gravitational field. Through a gravitational version of the so-called Schwinger mechanism, this gravitational field converts virtual particle-antiparticle pairs from the surrounding quantum vacuum into real particle-antiparticle pairs. If the black hole is made from matter (antimatter), it could violently repel billions and billions of antiparticles (particles) out into space in a fraction of a second, creating an ejection event that would look quite similar to a Big Bang.

NASA's Chandra finds massive black holes common in early universe

Using the deepest X-ray image ever taken, astronomers found the first direct evidence that massive black holes were common in the early universe. This discovery from NASA

Primordial weirdness: Did the early universe have 1 dimension?

( -- Did the early universe have just one spatial dimension? That