Space-Mutated Bacteria Could Be Bad News

A new experiment shows that long-term exposure to microgravity affects bacteria at the genetic level.

CRISPR Pill May Be Key in Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance

Teams of scientists are now working on a truly creative strategy: a pill carrying the genome-editing power tool CRISPR that instructs harmful bacteria to shred their own genes to bits.

Gut Bacteria Can Influence Brain Activity, New Research Finds

According to team of neuroscientists in Portugal and Australia, bacteria in the guts may be chemically communicating with the brain in such a way as to impact dietary choices.

Chance find has big implications for water treatment's costs and carbon footprint

A type of bacteria accidentally discovered during research could fundamentally reshape efforts to cut the huge amount of electricity consumed during wastewater clean-up. The discovery has upended a century of conventional thinking.

Novel antibiotic therapy overcomes deadly drug-resistant bacteria

Now, researchers in Cleveland, Ohio have taken a significant step toward defeating antibiotic-resistant infections by combining two different antibiotics that each block a different kind of drug-destroying enzyme secreted by bacteria.

The dirty dozen: UN issues list of 12 most worrying bacteria

The World Health Organization has issued a list of the top dozen bacteria most dangerous to humans, warning that doctors are fast running out of treatment options.

NASA is sending a 'superbug' to the International Space Station

Sending an antibiotic-resistant superbug to a zero-gravity environment like the International Space Station will help NASA better understand how superbugs mutate to become resistant to available antibiotics.

Travelers who take antibiotics transport the most drug-resistant of superbugs.

Finnish researchers confirmed that those traveling to exotic locations often bring home drug-resistant bacteria in their intestines. But the people who took antibiotics while exploring those locales came back with the most extensively drug-resistant cargo.

Microbiologists make big leap in developing 'green' electronics

Microbiologists report that they have discovered a new type of natural wire produced by bacteria that could greatly accelerate the researchers' goal of developing sustainable 'green' conducting materials for the electronics industry.

US woman dies of infection resistant to all 26 available antibiotics

A US woman has died from an infection that was resistant to all 26 available antibiotics, health officials said this week, raising new concerns about the rise of dangerous superbugs.

Worrying traces of resistant bacteria in air

Polluted city air has now been identified as a possible means of transmission for resistant bacteria. Researchers have shown that air samples from Beijing contain DNA from genes that make bacteria resistant to the most powerful antibiotics we have.

New 'Thinking Soil' Fixes Concrete Foundations Using Engineered Bacteria

The creation of a concrete-repairing bacteria by British students has inspired scientists to develop biocement, a material that genetically-engineered soil microbes would produce in response to changing pressures in soil to automatically reinforce the land under foundations.

A step toward biodegradable plastics

Chemists discover structure of bacterial enzyme that generates useful polymers.

Bacteria behave differently on International Space Station

Gene expression data suggest that bacteria experience reduced glucose uptake and increased extracellular acidity in E. coli in space.