Panorama - Algeria to invest $60 billion in renewable energy through 2030 - Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism
Soil depletion hastened the collapse of at least one society, the Greeks, and contributed to economic hardship as recently as the last century in the Great Plains of the United States. With climate change and population growth affecting the services provided by soil, a team of scientists say more attention should be paid to protecting and rejuvenating soil. Strategies for doing so include refocusing and boosting research, and communicating its importance to the public.
This is a guest post by Mark Tyler. A very interesting concept has been proposed for a new waste-to-energy power station on the outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark. A company called Amagerforbraeding ...
Elephants, dolphins, primates and now bats have been shown to form human-like friendships.
Scientists have created an air-conditioned greenhouse using alternative energy.
Venezula could install as much as 1,600 MW of wind power generation by 2015-20, according to a key industry source that wished to remain nameless. He added that the country is making progress in pursuing three projects that could add as much as 300 MW in the next couple of years.
Rapid energy transformation at the national level is possible. Transformation is also necessary if we are to mitigate the impacts of climate change and peak oil. The kind of transformation we need in the U.S. has been demonstrated vividly by an increasing number of nations shifting rapidly to a renewable energy economy. Spain and Portugal are currently the most powerful examples of this transformation.
A prototype of an energy-efficient house which can send alerts if its residents are ill has been developed.
PV - Social media site creating first global map of home solar installations - Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism
In 2004, Argentina received a wake up call. The Latin American nation experienced a deep energy crisis as a result of a shortage in natural gas caused by the demand for energy skyrocketing and outstripping supply. Since then the country has made a conscious effort to diversify its energy sources, with wind power attracting particular attention.
When it comes to breaking down plant matter and converting it to energy, the cow has it all figured out. Its digestive system allows it to eat more than 150 pounds of plant matter every day. Now researchers report that they have found dozens of previously unknown microbial enzymes in the bovine rumen -- the cow
A new democracy barometer shows the development of the thirty best democracies in the world. Denmark, Finland and Belgium have the highest quality of democracy, whereas Great Britain, France, Poland, South Africa and Costa Rica the lowest. Moreover, the barometer shows no evidence of a crisis of democracy.
If someone told you there was a way you could save 2.5 million to 3 million lives a year and simultaneously halt global warming, reduce air and water