Astronomers have found six galaxies lying around a supermassive black hole when the Universe was less than a billion years old. This is the first time such a close grouping has been seen so soon after the Big Bang.
The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Sir Roger Penrose and to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez for their discovery of the supermassive black hole at the Center of the Milky Way.
The black hole’s mass is about 8,000 times bigger than the black hole in the centre of the Milky Way. If the Milky Way’s black hole wanted to grow that fat, it would have to swallow two thirds of all the stars in our galaxy.
Supermassive black holes are gravitational powerhouses. When hot gas surrounding them is squeezed by gravity and electromagnetic fields, it can emit tremendous amounts of energy, including high-energy neutrinos.
The prominent X-shape of PKS 2014-55 is made up of two pairs of giant lobes consisting of hot jets of electrons. These jets spurt outwards from a supermassive black hole at the galaxy's heart.
The biggest explosion seen in the universe has been found. This record-breaking, gargantuan eruption came from a black hole in a distant galaxy cluster hundreds of millions of light years away.
Astronomers have found six objects orbiting Sagittarius A* that are unlike anything in the galaxy. These objects look like gas but behave like stars. They are so peculiar that they have been assigned a brand-new class - what astronomers are calling G objects.
Astronomers have measured a 40 billion solar mass black hole in the Holm 15A galaxy. Their results could lead to even more massive black holes.
Extensive observations indicated the presence of three supermassive back holes in the three galaxies NGC 6240 that are the process of merging. Up until now, such a concentration of supermassive black holes had never been discovered in the universe.
A titanic, expanding beam of energy sprang from close to the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way just 3.5 million years ago, sending a cone-shaped burst of radiation through both poles of the galaxy and out into deep space.
Astronomers have spotted three supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the center of three colliding galaxies a billion light years away from Earth. That alone is unusual, but the three black holes are also glowing in x-ray emissions.
Observing Sagitarius A ( a supermassive balck hole in the center of our galaxy ) with the Keck's telescope, scientists just watched as its brightness bloomed to over 75 times normal for a few hours. Astronomers aren’t certain what caused the flaring.
As if black holes weren't mysterious enough, astronomers have found an unexpected thin disk of material furiously whirling around a supermassive black hole at the heart of the magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 3147, 130 million light-years away.
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has revealed the first-ever image of a black hole. The black hole in this image resides at the center of M87, a massive galaxy that’s in the Virgo cluster of galaxies.
This 360-movie offers an unparalleled opportunity to look around the center of the galaxy, from the vantage point of the central supermassive black hole, in any direction the user chooses.