Researchers use high magnetic fields to suppress decoherence, paving the way for quantum computing

Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UCB) and the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) have made a major advance in predicting and

Quantum pen for single atoms is step toward large-scale quantum computing

Physicists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have succeeded in manipulating atoms individually in a lattice of light and arranging them in

New developments in quantum computing

Quantum computers are computers that exploit the weird properties of matter at extremely small scales. Many experts believe that a full-blown quantum computer could perform calculations that would be hopelessly time consuming on classical computers, but so far, quantum computers have proven hard to build. Researchers have planned an experiment that, if it worked, would offer strong evidence that quantum computers can do things that classical computers can

Milestone in path to large-scale quantum computing reached: new level of quantum control of light

An important milestone toward the realization of a large-scale quantum computer, and further demonstration of a new level of the quantum control of light, were just accomplished.

Ultrafast quantum computer closer: ten billion bits of entanglement achieved in silicon

Scientists have made a significant step towards an ultrafast quantum computer by successfully generating 10 billion bits of quantum entanglement in silicon for the first time -- entanglement is the key ingredient that promises to make quantum computers far more powerful than conventional computing devices.

Breakthrough in quantum computing: resisting 'quantum bug'

Scientists have taken the next major step toward quantum computing, which will use quantum mechanics to revolutionize the way information is processed.