Lengthy observations by the Hubble Space Telescope indicate the universe is expanding faster than predicted by standard models and that Einstein’s cosmological constant, thought by many to define dark energy, may not be so constant after all.
Results from the first data release of the Dark Energy Survey include eleven new stellar streams in the Milky Way galaxy.
Merging Neutron Stars Challenge Existing Theories of Gravity and Dark Energy.
New research is adding some deeper insight into the mysterious repulsive force known as dark energy, providing evidence that whatever it might be, its ghostly influence hasn't been constant over time.
An international team of astronomers reports that they were able to achieve four times better precision in measurements of how the universe's visible matter is clustered together by studying the empty spaces in between.
The most precise measurement ever made of the current rate of expansion of the Universe has been achieved by physicists in the US, and there's a problem: the Universe is expanding 8 percent faster than our current laws of physics can explain.