First detailed map of the body's antibody production

Now, for the first time, Stanford researchers have mapped out how the human body creates antibodies of every class, revealing that a diverse set of antibody-producing cells springs from the same kind of ancestor.

Fountain Of Youth? Embryonic Gene Nanog Reverses Aging In Adult Stem Cells

The fountain of youth may reside in an embryonic stem cell gene named Nanog. In a series of experiments the gene kicked into action dormant cellular processes that are key to preventing weak bones, clogged arteries and other telltale signs of growing old.

Chinese team to pioneer first human CRISPR trial

A team of researchers at Sichuan University's West China Hospital has announced plans to begin a clinical trial where cells modified using the CRISPR gene editing technique will be used on human beings for the very first time.

Scientists program cells to remember and respond to series of stimuli

Engineers have programmed cells to remember and respond to events. This approach to circuit design enables scientists to create complex cellular state machines and track cell histories.

CRISPR Targets Cancer in First Human Trial - What You Need to Know

It's happening: as early as later this year, the gene-editing power tool CRISPR could be used in its first ever human trial.

New Stem Cell Treatment Leaves Scientists "Stunned" As Wheelchair-Bound Stroke Patient Walks Again

Researchers are said to be "stunned"by the success of a recent clinical trial of a new stem cell treatment for stroke patients. By injecting the cells int

Scientists have created mice with hyper-long telomeres without altering the genes

A research team has succeeded in creating mice in the laboratory with hyper-long telomeres and with reduced molecular ageing, avoiding the use of genetic manipulation.

Simple Synthetic Cell Could Aid Hunt for Alien Life

The identification of core genes needed for life may not only spill secrets of how biology got its start on Earth, but also shed light on the hunt for life beyond the planet.

Beating Human Hearts Grown In Laboratory Using Stem Cells

Right now, there are 4,186 people waiting for a heart transplant in the U.S., but with a huge donor shortage not all of these patients are likely to survive.

Just 1 stem cell injection reverses bone loss in mice

Imagine hearing that just one injection of stem cells could restore health to bones ravaged by osteoporosis. Scientists believe they may be close.

Scientists generate a new type of human stem cell that has half a genome

Scientists have succeeded in generating a new type of embryonic stem cell that carries a single copy of the human genome, instead of the two copies typically found in normal stem cells. These are the first human cells that are known to be capable of cell division with just one copy of the parent cell

Discovery of a 'neuronal big bang' in brain of newborns: New technology reveals genetic origin of newborn neurons in the brain

Our neurons are derived from progenitor cells, which are specialized stem cells that have the ability to divide to give rise to neurons. Today, neuroscientists shed light on the mechanisms that allow progenitors to generate neurons.

Scientists Have Created Functional Sperm From Stem Cells

  • 26 Feb 2016

Scientists from China have made history by taking a cell that's not a sperm cell and then used it to create a live animal. A similar technique could be used one day to treat infertility in humans.

Scientists turn skin cells into stem cells that kill brain cancer

Scientists have turned skin cells into stem cells that can hunt down and destroy the deadly remains inevitably left behind when a glioblastoma is removed.