'Dark Oxygen' Discovered in The Ocean

A recent study demonstrates that oxygen may be produced without the need for life at depths where light cannot reach.

Alien-Looking Species Seen For First Time Ever in Ocean's Darkest Depths

A collection of new species discovered lurking on the seafloor exemplifies exactly how alien this strange world is.

Beneath the Earth, ancient ocean floor likely surrounds the core

U.S. recent study revealed a layer between the Earth's core and the mantle that is likely a dense, yet thin, sunk ocean floor.

The Highest-Ever Concentration of Microplastics

According to a recent study, up to 1.9 million pieces of microplastic is located in a 5 cm-thick layer covering just one square metre. It is the highest levels of microplastics yet recorded on the ocean floor.

Bacteria with bizarre metabolism has been found

Acetobacterium woodii is a new bacteria that is able to live in both hydrogen rich and hydrogen absent environments. This allow it to live in a variety of extreme environments, like the ocean floor or maybe another planet.

Deep ocean trenches are holding much more water than had been thought

Collisions of underwater tectonic plates are pulling about three times as much water deep into the Earth than what was previously calculated.  

Scientists find the Earth's humming comes from the ocean floor

While scientists have been aware of the Earth’s humming since 1959, with more definitive research emerging in 1998, the source of the sounds remains a mystery.

Giant methane burps left scars at the bottom of the Barents Sea

Many questions remain unanswered about methane hydrates, including a rather big one: could our current climate change thaw some hydrates, contributing to further warming in the near future?