Assembly of massive galaxy cluster witnessed for the first time

A dense flock of 14 galaxies from 1.4 billion years after the Big Bang is destined to become one of the most massive structures in the modern universe.

Hubble Weighs in on Mass of Three Million Billion Suns

Galaxy cluster ACT-CLJ0102-4915, or “El Gordo” contains the mass of a staggering three million billion suns. It is the largest, hottest, and brightest X-ray galaxy cluster ever discovered in the distant Universe.

This is the One of the Largest Structures We Know of in the Universe

Using data from the Sloan Digitial Sky Survey, an Indian team of astronomers has discovered one of the largest cosmic structures to date - the Saraswati Supercluster.

Scientists discovered one of the brightest galaxies known

Thanks to an amplified image produced by a gravitational lens, and the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS a team of scientists have discovered one of the brightest galaxies known.

Cosmic Void "Pushes" Milky Way

Astronomers have discovered a giant cosmic void that explains why our Local Group of galaxies is moving through the universe as fast as it is.

Major supercluster of galaxies found hidden by the Milky Way

An international team of astronomers has discovered a previously unknown major concentration of galaxies in the constellation Vela, which they have dubbed the Vela supercluster.

Second strongest shock wave found in merging galaxy clusters

Astronomers have discovered the second-strongest merger shock in clusters of galaxies ever observed.

Galaxy clusters are way more complicated than we thought

Galaxy clusters are groupings of hundreds to thousands of galaxies bound together by gravity, and are the most massive structures found in the universe.

Most distant massive galaxy cluster identified

Formed in the first 4 billion years of the universe, cluster is 1,000 times more massive than the Milky Way.

XXL Hunt for Galaxy Clusters

Observations from ESO telescopes provide crucial third dimension in probe of Universe's dark side. ESO telescopes have provided an international team of astronomers with the gift of the

Astronomers capture most powerful explosion since big bang

Astronomers capture an image of the continuing eruption of the most powerful explosion since the big bang.

Astronomers discover the longest galaxy-scale stripping process ever observed

Astronomers from the University of Bonn in Germany, have discovered what appears to be the longest X-ray tail associated with a stripping process from a galaxy on a large scale. This galaxy with the enormous X-ray tail is a member of a galaxy cluster known as Zwicky 8338.