‘No-Cut’ CRISPR Activates Genes Without Altering DNA

To avoid off-target mutations, scientists at the Salk Institute modified CRISPR to become a gene activator instead of a gene editor.

Life, but not as we know it

Unnatural DNA used to encode unnatural proteins, all in otherwise normal cells.

In a Major First, Scientists Edit DNA Within the Human Body

US scientists have edited the DNA inside of a patient’s body, in an attempt to cure a genetic disorder by permanently changing the human genome. The news represents a major landmark in science.

Gene-editing success holds promise for preventing inherited diseases

Scientists have, for the first time, corrected a disease-causing mutation in early stage human embryos with gene editing.

Human embryo edited for first time in US, pushes limits

The data is unpublished, but scientists say it advances effort to erase genetic diseases.

A New Gene-Altering Cancer Treatment Shows ‘Astonishing’ Rate of Success

A Food and Drug Administration panel has recommended approval of a leukemia treatment that rewires a patient’s immune cells to fight cancer.

Epigenetics between the generations

Researchers show that the inherited epigenetic instructions contribute in regulating gene expression in the offspring. Another study proves that mother's epigenetic memory is essential for the development and survival of the new generation.

This Study is Forcing Scientists to Rethink the Human Genome

A new study suggests an intriguing new way of viewing the genome in which nearly every gene impacts every other gene.