Quantum computer makes first high-energy physics simulation

Physicists have performed the first full simulation of a high-energy physics experiment — the creation of pairs of particles and their antiparticles — on a quantum computer.

World's first 1,000-processor chip

A microchip containing 1,000 independent programmable processors has been designed. The energy-efficient "KiloCore" chip has a maximum computation rate of 1.78 trillion instructions per second and contains 621 million transistors.

Tiny Satellite Is First Step to Global Quantum Network

The new network will give us a superfast and secure internet, making our current model look like a 1971 Pinto.

The quantum era has begun, this CEO says

'It opens up a completely new tool chest for scientists and developers,' said D-Wave CEO Vern Brownell

Scientists create 'rewritable magnetic charge ice'

Scientists have developed a new material, called 'rewritable magnetic charge ice,' that permits an unprecedented degree of control over local magnetic fields and could pave the way for new computing technologies.

This Amazing Computer Chip Is Made of Live Brain Cells

A few years ago, researchers from Germany and Japan were able to simulate one percent of human brain activity for a single second. It took the processing power of one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers to make that happen.

Building living, breathing supercomputers

The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our bodies, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), may also be able to power the next generation of supercomputers. The discovery opens doors to the creation of biological supercomputers that are about the size of a book.

MIT breakthrough means your next computer could be even thinner and flexible too

It's impressive to see how thin some laptops have become these days, but that's nothing compared to the ultra-thin machines of the future – which may be closer to reality thanks to a new chip production breakthrough from MIT.

Article Engineers Demo First Processor that Uses Light for Ultrafast Communications

Engineers have successfully married electrons and photons within a single-chip microprocessor, a landmark development that opens the door to ultrafast, low-power data crunching.

The quantum computing era is coming - fast

Processors using quantum mechanics are reportedly achieving much greater problem-solving speed.

Scientists teach computers how to learn like humans

US scientists create a computer model that enables computers to recognise and draw simple alphabet symbols that are indistinguishable from those created by humans.

Google's quantum computer is 100 million times faster than your laptop

Google has been sharing more details about its quantum computing project, which it runs in partnership with NASA.

The Future Of Nanotechnology And Computers So Small You Can Swallow Them

How tiny can a computer get and what can it do? Digital sensors are already traveling inside human bodies. Will shrinking sizes eventually do away with the bulky devices we use now?

Holodesk prototype puts life in computers [+video]

(PhysOrg.com) -- A research project at Microsoft Research Cambridge has brought forth a prototype called Holodesk, which lets you manipulate virtual objects with your hand. You literally "get your hands on" the virtual display. According to the official description from its creators, there is at work a "novel real-time algorithm for representing hands and other physical objects" allowing physically realistic interaction between real and virtual 3-D objects.

Good vibrations for future quantum computers

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) physicists have developed a new theory that shows that dot symmetry in quantum dots (semiconductors that