Astronomers have discovered that emissions from an object known as a repeating Fast Radio Burst follow a cyclic pattern repeating every 157 days.
A Milky Way magnetar called SGR 1935+2154 may have just massively contributed to solving the mystery of powerful deep-space radio signals that have vexed astronomers for years.
The CHIME radio telescope array has detected nine new fast radio bursts on repeat, which are revealing things about this strange phenomenon.
FAST has picked up a repeating space signal known as a fast radio burst. Known as FRB 121102: first picked up in 2012 at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, it's appeared several times since. Its origin remains a mystery.
Astronomers in Canada have detected a mysterious volley of radio waves from far outside our galaxy. What corner of the universe these powerful waves come from and the forces that produced them remain unknown.
Australian researchers using a CSIRO radio telescope in Western Australia have nearly doubled the known number of 'fast radio bursts'— powerful flashes of radio waves from deep space.
Using artificial intelligence algorithms, researchers with the Breakthrough Listen project discovered 72 previously undetected fast radio bursts from a still-unknown source some 3 billion light years away.
The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME), a revolutionary new radio telescope, recently made its first-ever detection of a possible Fast Radio Burst (FRB).
An initiative set up to find signs of intelligent life in the universe has detected a series of mysterious radio signals from a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away.
Radio astronomers have recently detected three of FRB events, including the brightest ever recorded.
Fast radio bursts were first detected in 2001. Since then, astronomers have found a couple of dozen FRBs, but they still don’t know what causes these rapid and powerful bursts of radio emission.
Using the Green Bank Telescope, researchers with Breakthrough Listen recently detected repeating fast radio bursts coming from a distant galaxy.
Australian researchers have detected three of Fast Radio Bursts in just six months using MOST telescope in Canberra, Australia. In doing so, they were able to confirm that these FRBs really do come from outer space.
Newly published research suggests that mysterious phenomena called fast radio bursts could be evidence of advanced alien technology. Specifically, these bursts might be leakage from planet-sized transmitters powering interstellar probes in distant galaxies.
Fast radio bursts, powerful pulses of radio energy of unknown cosmic origin, are a source of endless fascination to astronomers and alien conspiracy theory fodder to everybody else. Last year astronomers discovered the very first FRB signal that repeats and now they've pinpointed its location.